Page 44 - PhotoView Vol20 Contemporary Photography eMagazine
P. 44

?댁?醫?EJ Lee The Tree

?섎Т                               The Tree

?섑?濡????덈뒗 ?섎Т瑜?蹂대ʼn 吏€湲??ш린???섎? 諛?     ?쏧 discover myself here and now, seeing a
寃ы븳????                           tree standing alone.??
?섎Т??吏€援ъ긽??議댁옱?섎뒗 ?앸챸泥?以묒뿉??媛€??        A tree is one of the longest living things on
?μ닔?섎뒗 ?€??媛€?대뜲 ?섎굹?대떎. 源딆씠瑜???????     earth. A tree never stops its growing against
???낆냽??肉뚮━瑜?諛뺤? 梨?以묐젰??嫄곗뒳??吏€????     gravity, deeply taking root in the ground. A
濡??깆옣??硫덉텛吏€ ?딅뒗 ?섎Т. ?섎Т???몄젣???€濡?     tree is always alone, and keeps its place all
?대ʼn, 紐⑤몢媛€ ?€濡쒖씠吏€留? ?먭린???먮━瑜?李얠쑝硫?      its life, adapting itself to the environment.
?좊굹??踰뺤씠 ?놁씠 ?먯뿰???쒖쓳?섎ʼn ?띠쓽 留덉?留?       The story a tree conveys becomes a mirror
?쒓컙源뚯? ???먮━瑜?吏€?ㅺ퀬 ?곕떎. ??洹몃(???섎Т      reflecting me here and now.
媛€ 吏€?????몄쓽 ?댁빞湲곌? ?섎굹??嫄곗슱???섏뼱 吏€      I imagined folks living in the clouds, when I
湲? ?ш린???섎? 鍮꾩텣??                   read the fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk as
                                 a child. I recall my old memories of a tree
?좊뀈 ?쒖젅, ?숉솕 <?쒗겕?€ 肄⑸굹臾?Jack and the  with branches spreading heavenward and
Beanstalk)>瑜??쎌쑝硫?援щ쫫 ?꾩뿉 紐⑥뿬 ?щ뒗 ?щ엺  leaves as white and abundant as clouds. A
?ㅼ쓣 洹몃젮蹂??곸씠 ?덉뿀?? ?섎뒛濡?六쀬? 以꾧린?€ 媛€      scene of life is created with diverse voices in
吏€瑜??덉? ?롮궗洹€?ㅼ씠 援щ쫫泥섎읆 ?ш퀬 ?띿꽦??紐?       accord with many gestures, and clouds are
?듭쑝濡??ㅺ??ㅻ뒗 ?섎Т?먯꽌 ??湲곗뼲???좎삱由곕떎.        hung in the air.
嫄곌린, 怨듭쨷?먯꽌, ?щ윭 紐⑹냼由ъ? 紐몄쭞???댁슦?ъ졇       Trees in photographs, planted and grown
?띠쓽 ?띻꼍??留뚮뱾怨??댁빞湲곕? 湲곕Ⅴ??援щ쫫????       for some purpose, are individual objects
臾대━ 嫄몃젮 ?덈떎.                        resulting from artificial landscaping. A tree
?ъ쭊 ???섎Т?ㅼ? ?대뵒?좉? ?ㅼ썙吏€怨??대뵖媛€??        used for landscape architecture grows,
紐⑹쟻???곕씪 ?ъ뼱吏?寃껊뱾濡? 留먰븯?먮㈃ ?멸났 議곌꼍       shaped by trimming and propping it up with
??媛쒖껜?ㅼ씠?? 議곌꼍???섎뒗 ?섎Т???쇱깮?€ ?ㅻ벉       a support. As human are tempered by their
???뺥깭瑜?留뚮뱾怨? 遺€紐⑹쑝濡?吏€?깅릺?댁?硫댁꽌 ??       parents, school education, and companions
?쇰궃?? ?멸컙???쒖뼱??遺€紐⑥쓽 洹몃뒛?먯꽌, ?숆탳??      and live an ever-changing life, supporting
援먯쑁?먯꽌, 洹몃━怨?諛섎젮?먮? ?듯빐 ?ㅻ벉?댁?怨???       one another, we see persons here and now
濡쒕? 吏€?깊븯硫??딆엫?놁씠 ?좎쟾?섎뒗 ?앹쓣 ?댁뼱媛€??       in the trees used for landscaping.
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