Page 45 - PhotoView Vol20 Contemporary Photography eMagazine
P. 45

寃껋쿂?? 議곌꼍???섎뒗 ?섎Т?먯꽌 ?꾨?, 吏€湲??ш린  A tree in my work is found in our quotidian
?? ?곕━ ?щ엺??蹂몃떎.               life, but not daily. The reason why it looks
                            unrealistic is due to its color. A tree?셲 color is
?쇱긽???섎Т?댁?留??묓뭹 ???섎Т???쇱긽?곸씠吏€    not fixed as I interpret the color with infinite
?딅떎. 洹멸쾬??鍮꾪쁽?ㅼ쟻???댁쑀???ㅻ텇???됯낵 愿€  gradation into one. That is why the tree
?⑥씠 ?덈떎. 臾댄븳??怨꾩“濡??쇱퀜吏??됱콈瑜??섎굹?? image is not represented in visible light but
而룹쑝濡?踰덉뿭?섎뒗 ?묒뾽 ?띿뿉???섎Т???됱? ?듭씠   infrared light. However, a tree is in reality
?녿떎. 洹??댁쑀??媛€?쒓킅?좎쑝濡?援ы쁽???대?吏€媛€   like a person in daily life.혻
?꾨땶 ?곸쇅?좎쑝濡??ы쁽 ?섏뼱吏??섎Т??珥덉긽(?뽩깗)
?닿린 ?뚮Ц?대떎. ?섏?留??섎Т???꾩떎?대떎. ?쇱긽?? I feel something new in changes hidden
?щ엺???ㅻⅤ吏€ ?딅떎. 蹂댁뿬吏€??寃??대㈃??媛먯텛?? behind the visible. The tree testifies the
吏? ?ㅻⅤ寃?蹂댁씠??蹂€?붿뿉 ?덈줈?€???먮???혻   rising and setting sun, the cycles of seasons,
                            spring, summer, fall, winter, and again
?좎삤瑜대뒗 ?댁? ?€臾대뒗 ?대?, 遊꾧낵 ?щ쫫, 媛€?꾧낵  spring, and the memories of human life
寃⑥슱, 洹몃━怨?遊꾩쓽 ?쒗솚怨?諛섎났?? ??궗 ?댁쟾?? from prehistoric times to contemporary life.
?몃쪟???띠뿉 ?€??湲곗뼲?쇰줈遺€???ㅻ뒛?좎쓽 ?꾨??????띠뿉 ?대Ⅴ湲곌퉴吏€, ?좉뎄???쒓컙???먮쫫???섎Т  LEE EUN-JONG
???ㅻ옖 移⑤У?쇰줈 利앹뼵?쒕떎.혻

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