Registration Opens Feb 18th > Ayya Tathaaloka LIVE Web Teaching Series "Moral Awakening": Wednesdays Feb 24th-March 16th

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Friends of Dhammadharini

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16 feb 2016, 13:06:4516/02/16
Dear Dhamma friends, sukhi hotu!

Registration for this live web-based teaching series offered by Ayya Tathaaloka with the SICGU opens on Feb 18th, or click on the "Registration" link in the attached PDF flyer. (Note: there are no live links in the jpeg images directly below).

Note: you will need to be able to download the free Zoom application in order to participate in this live interactive teaching. There are a limited number of participants with this application, so please register early. Early registration will allow for upgrade of the Zoom application if the level of interest is high. 

To RSVP early via Facebook, go to the Facebook event page

Inline image 1 Inline image 2

On Sun, Feb 7, 2016 at 7:53 AM, Friends of Dhammadharini <> wrote:
Dhamma Friends,

For all those of you who've asked that Ven. (Ayya) Tathaaloka Theri offer live teachings on the web to make Ayya's teachings more available to those who are far away - we have some good news to share.

For the first time, Ayya T will offer such teaching, beginning this Lunar New Year. She's been invited by SICGU (Scholastic Institute Chokyi Gyaltsen University)--the newly coming into being International/USA branch of the renowned Sera Je Buddhist Monastic University in Tibet and India--to offer a series of live teachings on the web.

The teachings will commence directly following the Magha full moon, known as Māgha Pūjā and "Sangha Day" in Thailand and other Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhist traditions. This full moon is the lunar anniversary of the Buddha's fundamental teachings on morality known as the "Ovāda Paṭimokkha." It is also the lunar anniversary of the final Nibbāna of Bhikkhuni Sangha founding mother, venerable Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī. 

It will be possible for you to join in live for the teachings. All self-identified "friends of Dhammadharini" or "friends/supporters of the Bhikkhuni Sangha" are welcome to join together with the SICGU students who will be participating from around the world. This series of talks will be recorded, so they can be viewed later on the web. Web registration information will be forthcoming.

For her first talk and Dhamma discussion on Wednesday, Feb 24th, Ayya will speak on a big topic in USA and around the world at this time:

- -  "Moral Awakening"  - - 

All talks will be given between 12 noon and 1:30pm Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Note to inspired prospective web-based Bhikkhuni Dhamma Teaching volunteer organizers/facilitators:
If anyone has the web skills and would like to invite or offer a platform for live web teachings such as these in future, welcome to contact Friends of Dhammadharini to broach your idea. The bhikkhuni teachers are open to consider such invitations.

Ayya Tathaaloka SICGU Teaching Live Via Web Broadcast
WhenWed, February 24, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
WhereScholastic Institute Chokyi Gylatsen University | On the Web via (map)
DescriptionTitle: "Moral Awakening" Teaching 60 min + 30 min of Q&A, with extra time up to teacher's discretion Feb 24, Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16 See: Registration: These teachings are offered as Dhamma Dana, supported and enabled by good people like you. To support the host, SICGU, visit the Donations page at To support Dhammadharini, visit the Donations page at


Donations Address: PO Box 942, Petaluma, CA 94953

Mailing Address: 5010 Grange Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, USA

Aranya Bodhi HermitageSonoma Coast
Mailing Address: PO Box 16, Jenner, CA 95450, USA
Skype "Aranya_Bodhi"

Moral Awakening Flyer_Tathaloka Theri with SICGU 2016.pdf
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