Fast and easy, even on Discord
View user stats, leaderboards, champion tiers, champion builds, and other LoL player data directly on Discord.

With OP.GG Bot, you can access a variety of information by simply using the
'/command' (Slash Commands) feature.

Search Match Records

View yours and other summoners’ match records while playing.

User Leaderboard

Check to see which summoner dominates the summoner’s rift.

Champion Tier

View champion tiers for different regions.
Try playing a game using an OP champion for your lane.
You can also see which tier your favorite champion is currently in.

Champion Build

Want to know the build for the champion you’re playing right now?
Get access to the best builds based on OP.GG data.
Select a champion and see which champions they counter, and which champions they are countered by.
Would you like to know more about our OP.GG Bot?
Having to select the region and tier everytime is a nuisance.
Once you set your /region and /tier, it becomes your default setting, and you don’t have to repeatedly fill in your region and tier for future searches.
I want to delete my setting.
With the /delete-setting command, you can delete your previous settings. After
※ above command (/delete-setting) you must reselect your region and tier for commands that require this setting to access the information.
I want to view champion builds for other lines.
Some builds do not have a lot of data readily available, which could result in inaccurate information. This is the reason why some builds are not available for viewing. However, once we’ve accumulated enough data, builds that were previously ommitted can be added down the line.
The OP.GG Bot response feels slow.
Use the /ping command to see your current ping.
If your ping is higher then 50ms, the bot’s response could feel slower than usual. However, it usually goes back to normal speed shortly after.
※ If you continue to experience this problem, you can use the /ticket command to send in a request.