ѱг ͺ̽
ѽɹġȸ 34ֳ мȸ
2021.12.15 - 2021.11.21

* ?시 : 2021??11??15???? 00:00~ 11??21???? 24:00

* 주제 : TOOTHWEAR - ??로의 ???른 관?!

* ?전?록기간: ~ 11??1???까?

* ??치과의?협??보수교육?수 4??/span>

* www.kaed.org ?업??해 ?전?록 ???금

(계좌:IBK기업 069-118748-01-013 강정경??심미치과학??

치과?사 ?원 6만원,비회??8만원/ ?공??군의관,공보??4만원/치과기공??치과?생??2만원/

?생 1만원

* ?술????페?? 추후 공?

* * AAAD ( ?시????치과?회) ???외 ?명 ?자 ( Dr. Didier dietschi, Dr. Wael att, ?병??박사 ??) ?라??강의??추? 비용 ?이 ?청 가???니??

* ?로그램

마모 ?교합 붕괴???자?서???복 ??고려?항
?제) Considerations in the restorative treatment for patients with worn-down dentition
(강릉?주??교 치과???
?플???보철??통보철???용??마모?자???복 ??/b>
?제) Rehabilitation of severely worn dentition using dental implants and
conventional restoration I
?플???보철??통보철???용??마모?자???복 II
?제) Rehabilitation of severely worn dentition using dental implants and
conventional restoration II
치경부 마모 치주???근 vs 보존???근
?제) Cervical wear - Periodontal approach vs Restorative approach
?제 ) Wear of artificial denture teeth: cause and solution
(강릉?주??교 치과???
?제 ) The reconstructive therapy in an overall worned out dention.
*?강(?해???션? ??치과의?협??보수교육?수???함?? ?는 강의?니?? ?강??참고 부?드립니??)


과도??마모? 치아?실??상??치열???복???
?제 ) Restoration and maintenance of dentition damaged from excessive wear and tooth loss.
Peter Hyun-Gon Chung (Australia)

??심미치과학???장 ?동??/ ?술??장 김진환


 URL Link : https://www.kaed.org/home/news-of-institute/notice/?mod=document&uid=1801

2021-10-25 8:08:21, ȸ : 18051