
As league of legends enjoyers, sometimes there just isn't enough time to search up information on during the heat of champion select. Since most league of legends players are already in discord with their team, we thought it would be better to be able to look up information on directly from discord, which is why we were inspired to make this discord bot.

What it does

The discord bot takes in parameters for a champion in League of Legends (ex. Champion name, build, runes, lane, etc), and pastes a link from with information about that champion, as well as an image of the champion. The bot can also find information about other league of legends players.

How we built it

The bot was built using the Discord python API.

Challenges we ran into

One of the major challenges we ran into was finding transparent PNGs on the internet for the bot. Many PNGs had fake transparent backgrounds. Another challenge we faced was determining how to get the discord bot to access folders within folders.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud that we were able to make the bot work.

What we learned

We were able to learn about working with the Discord python API, as well as converting from jpg to PNG file types. We also gained experience in writing code in python.

What's next for OP.GG Discord Bot

In the future, we hope to be able to read information directly from, and write that information out into discord instead of just pasting the link to the webpage.

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