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??梨낆쓽 援ъ꽦怨??뱀쭠

01                                                                                                                                                                       Introduction

                            A: What are those?                                                                                                                            媛?unit???€??臾몃쾿???ㅼ뼇???곹솴 ?덉뿉???ъ슜???댁슜???ъ쭊怨??④퍡
                                                                                                                                                                          誘몃━ ?쒖떆?⑥쑝濡쒖뜥 愿€???댁슜??媛쒖슂瑜??쒖꽦?뷀븯???숈뒿???€???λ?瑜?                            B : Those are my books. Do you want any?                                                                                                      ?믪씪 ???덈룄濡??섏??듬땲?? ?€?붾Ц, ?댄솕臾? ?섏닔猿섎겮 ?깆쓣 ?댁슜???숈뒿
                                                                                                                                                                          ???쒖옉?€ ?숈깮?ㅼ쓽 吏묒쨷?꾨? ?믪씠怨? ?숈뒿???€??遺€?닿컧??以꾩뿬以?????                            A: Yes, I?셝 like to read                                                                                                                      ?듬땲??
                                 some of them.
                                                                                                                                                                          Easy Explanation and Plenty of Examples
 02 ?€紐낆궗U N I T
                                       ?몄묶?€紐낆궗                                                                                                                              ?뚭린 ?쎄쾶 ?뺣━???ㅻ챸怨??곸젅???덈Ц???쒓났?섏뿬 以묐벑 ?곷Ц踰?湲곕낯
                                                                                                                                                                          ?ㅻ젰???쇳듉???ㅼ쭏 ???덉뒿?덈떎.
                                       A: What are those??몄묶?€紐낆궗???щ엺(?? ?곷?諛? ???????섑??대뒗 ?€紐낆궗濡?寃⑷낵 ?섏뿉 ?곕씪 ?뺥깭媛€ 蹂€?⑸땲??
                                                                                                                                                                          Check Up
                                       B ?? 移쵺hose二쇨꺽are                 mmy?똹??bo寃쯷or oks.m紐쯈e??寃쯱us     you?뚯쑀w?€紐꿢?촱t                     any??ш??€紐낆궗
                                       1?몄묶          I / we                                                    mine / ours                    myself / ourselves           Check up 1?먯꽌??鍮꾧탳???쎄퀬 媛꾨떒???좏삎??臾몄젣瑜? Check up 2
                                                                                                                                                                          ?먯꽌??醫€???ы솕???댁슜??臾몄젣瑜??€?대낫硫댁꽌 ?대떦 Unit?먯꽌 諛곗슫 臾몃쾿
                                       A2:?몄묶Yes, Iy?셭du like toyourread you                                      your yourself / yourselves                               ???쇰쭏?????댄빐?섍퀬 ?덈뒗吏€ ?먭???蹂????덉뒿?덈떎.

                                       some of them.3?몄묶 he / she / it his / her / its him / her / it his / hers / ??himself / herself / itself                            Actual Test

0202                                  e.g. Her parents are in the garden. They(=her parents) made it(=the garden) by themselves.                                         諛곗슫 臾몃쾿???댁떊 ?쒗뿕???곸슜?섏뿬 諛붾줈 ?€?대낵 ???덈룄濡?10媛쒖쓽 臾몄젣
                                 UNIT          洹몃???遺€紐⑤떂?€ ?뺤썝???덉뒿?덈떎. 洹몃뱾?€ 洹멸쾬??吏곸젒 留뚮뱾?덉뒿?덈떎.                                                                                      瑜??쒖떆?섏??듬땲?? ?대줈???숈깮?ㅼ? ?대떦 臾몃쾿???숆탳 ?쒗뿕?먯꽌???대뼚
                                                                                                                                                                          ???뺥깭濡?異쒖젣?섎뒗吏€ 誘몃━ ?뚭퀬 ?ㅼ쟾 媛먭컖??湲곕? ???덉뒿?덈떎. 10臾몄젣
                                       ?€紐낆궗吏€?쒕?紐낆궗                                                                                                                           以?3臾몄젣???쒖닠?뺤쑝濡?異쒖젣?섏뿬 ?ㅼ젣 ?쒗뿕怨쇱쓽 ?곌??깆쓣 ?믪씠怨??쒖닠??                                                                                                                                                                          ?됯????④낵?곸쑝濡??€鍮꾪븷 ???덇쾶 ?섏??듬땲??
                                       吏€?쒕?紐낆궗 this/these, that/those??媛€源뚯씠 ?뱀? 硫€由??⑥뼱吏??щ엺?대굹 ?щЪ??吏€移?븯???€紐낆궗?낅땲??
                                                                                                                                                                          Review Test
                                       e.g. Is that your eraser?/ Are those your friends? ?€寃껋? ??吏€?곌컻?? / ?€ ?좊뱾?€ ??移쒓뎄??
                                                                                                                                                                          媛?Chapter???숈뒿???앸궃 ?? 諛곗슫 ?댁슜??醫낇빀?섏뿬 ?됯??섍퀬 ?먭???                                       ?몄묶SS?€aarra紐꿢hh?붿궗k洹퇺?쁢w?앹씪h?꼒s  birthday. That(= Sarah knew his      birthday)                 made  him  very  happy.               ???덈룄濡?Review Test瑜?援ъ꽦?섏??듬땲??
                                                                     ?뚭퀬 ?덉뿀?? 洹멸쾬??洹몃? 留ㅼ슦 湲곗걯寃??덈떎.
                                       ?몄묶?€T紐꿢k?촦?봳h?촫s?똟a(?쁫l,in?걅?€y諛쯪, a?쐍3d?? ()吏€?꾩떆?섑삎?€?⑸궡?щ뒗) ?대??먮챸?먯궗?덈줈?붽꺽?닿낵怨듭쓣?섎틣?먯뼱?곕킄?? ?뺥깭媛€ 蹂€?⑸땲??

                                            ?몄묶 二쇨꺽                        ?뚯쑀寃?                    紐⑹쟻寃?        ?뚯쑀?€紐낆궗                               ?ш??€紐낆궗
                                                                        my / our                me / us     mine / ours                    myself / ourselves
                                       遺€???몃?移?챸??I / we

                                       吏€???몃?移?챸?ш? ?뱀젙y?쐎u寃껋쓣 媛€由ы궎?봸o諛쁴硫큥 , 遺€?뺣?紐낆궗yo?봴遺덊듅?뺥븳 ?щ엺yo쨌u?촵 臾??깆쓣y媛€o由촸r?탎e?늢f?? y. ourselves
                                          3?몄묶 onehe / she / it haisn/ohtheerr/ its him / thheero/tiht erh(sis) / hers / ?뱒omhime self / hersoethlfe/ristself

                                       e??g?⑥븵. ??H蹂듬굹e?쁱?쮗p紐꿳are?촦sn瑜? ts?€a?쟲e i?줻?욎쥌th瑜섏뿉e?대굹g?쁝?쮚d?ㅻ챸e瑜몄궗n.?€寃긖h媛셞?€y(=her parents) made  it(=the garden)  by  themselves.
                                       ???뺥빐洹몄쭊?€?섏닔 遺€以묐え泥섎떂?뚯? ?뺤뼵?먯뿉???덉젙?듯빐?덉쭊???섍렇以묐뱾?€?ㅺ렇瑜멸쾬?섏쓣 吏곸젒???뺣쭔?대뱾吏꾩뿀?듭닔?덉쨷?? 留덉?留?                               遺덊듅?뺥븳 ?쇰?           ???ㅻⅨ ?쇰?

                                       湲됲븳 ?섎굹                         ?섎? 吏€移?                     ?⑥? ?섎굹 ?먮뒗 ?щ읉

                 吏€e.g?? T?€he紐꿹e?촡re three animals. One is a cat, another is a dog, and the other is a hamster.
                    吏€?쒕??몃챸留덉궗由ъ쓽thi?셲臾?t?큚e?늮?쨎,. t?쁥?쁝t??t怨쟦o?몊?큖,?붾떎瑜멸?源뚰븯?섏씠?뷀샊媛쒖?, ?섎?癒몃━吏€ ?섎뼥?섏뼱?붿쭊?꾩궗?ㅽ꽣?뚯씠?대떎?? ?щЪ??吏€移?븯???€紐낆궗?낅땲??

                         Some books are fun, but others are not. ?대뼡 梨낅뱾?€ ?щ??덇퀬, ?ㅻⅨ 寃껊뱾?€ ?щ??녿떎.
      12 e.g. Is that your eraser?/ Are those your friends? ?€寃껋? ??吏€?곌컻?? / ?€ ?좊뱾?€ ??移쒓뎄??

                         Sarah knew his birthday. That(= Sarah knew his birthday) made him very happy.
                                Sarah??洹몄쓽 ?앹씪???뚭퀬 ?덉뿀?? 洹멸쾬??洹몃? 留ㅼ슦 湲곗걯寃??덈떎.

                         Take this ball in my hand. (吏€?쒗삎?⑹궗) ???먯뿉 ?덈뒗 ??怨듭쓣 類륁뼱 遊?


03                                    吏€?쒕?紐낆궗媛€ ?뱀젙??寃껋쓣 媛€由ы궎??諛섎㈃, 遺€?뺣?紐낆궗??遺덊듅?뺥븳 ?щ엺쨌?щЪ ?깆쓣 媛€由ы궢?덈떎.

                                            one                         another                    the other(s)                     some                 others

                                       ???욎뿉 ?섏삩 紐낆궗瑜??€?????욎뿉 ?섏삩 紐낆궗?€ 媛숈?

                                       ??(蹂듭닔 ones)                   醫낅쪟?대굹 ?ㅻⅨ 寃?                                                     Check up 1遺덊듅?뺥븳 ?쇰? ???ㅻⅨ ?쇰?

                                       ???뺥빐吏???以?泥섏쓬 ?????뺥빐吏???以??ㅻⅨ ?????뺥빐吏???以?留덉?留?
                                       湲됲븳 ?섎굹                         ?섎? 吏€移?                     ?⑥? ?섎굹 ?먮뒗 ?щ읉

        A                              e.g. There are three animals. One is a cat, another is a dog, and the other is a hamster.

      12                               諛묒쨪??移쒕쭏由ъ씤?섏묶?숇Ъ?€?대챸?덉궗?ㅻ?. ?섎컮?섎뒗瑜닿퀬寃뚯뼇怨좎씠,移섎떎?쒕Ⅸ ?ㅽ븯?? ??媛? ?섎㉧吏€ ?섎굹???꾩뒪?곗씠??

                                       Some books are fun, but others are not. ?대뼡 梨낅뱾?€ ?щ??덇퀬, ?ㅻⅨ 寃껊뱾?€ ?щ??녿떎.
                                       01 When he?셲 alone, Jason sometimes talks to him.
                                       02 The food it was not delicious.                                                                   ??
                                       03 Paul quit his job which it really hated.                                                         ??
                                       04 The strong sunlight hurt herself eyes.                                                           ??
                                       05 My sister lives by her near the river.                                                           ??
                                       06 Can I share your umbrella? Myself is too small.                                                  ??
                                       07 My friend and I took pictures of themselves.                                                     ??
                                       08 He friend came up with better ideas.                                                             ??
                                       09 The manager gave money to his yesterday.                                                         ??
                                       10 Our teacher promised our to end the class early.                                                 ??
      B 愿꾪샇 ?덉뿉???뚮쭪?€ ?€紐낆궗瑜?怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.

04                                    01 Come here, and have some cookies. I made ( these, this ) by myself.
                                       02 Who?셲 the woman standing over there? ??( That, This ) is my cousin.

                                       Actual Test03 Do you have any books about cats? I?셝 like to read ( one, it ).

                                       04 Beth told bad stories about me. ( Those, That ) made me very angry.

      1 ?ㅼ쓬 諛묒쨪05移?遺€S遺꼘m以멷,?켂寃쯰?큮 )?쨚瑜퇰 t?쁥e?쁳?봱a?velers are 6from?ㅼ쓬Ja鍮늩a移퇺?? ?ㅼ뼱媛?留먯씠 ?섎㉧吏€?€ ?ㅻⅨ ?섎굹??

      ??I have s0e6veSraolmpeetgs iirnlsmliykehotouspel.ay inside, but?? thHeeoletnh,ecr,oomtheehresre) .dTohnis?셳.                                      my uncle,

      ??Jean an0d7I Iwheanvtetothoruerefabvroortitheers. One is taller thJaonem. e, and ( others, the others ) are
            restaurant. shorter than me.                                                           ??That one                       similar to mine.

      ??    TThhaest ebor0eo8dk lsDohoookeyssoinuatreheraehvsiseti.nag.reWdhpate?셲ni?ts?? Yes,  I  h?™몿aveW(hoits, eotnbheaagt).his       that?
      ??                                                                                                                            laptop computer?

          title? 09 Jenny has two cousins. One lives?쨒n Sthoemceitay,reatnadll,(baunt ootthheerr,sthe othesrho) rt.
      ??All the peoplivleeasgorneeadftaormhe.r idea.

                                       10 The store sells two kinds of fruit. O7ne?쨒s?똫以멷l諛몂n以꼜,移쏿n遺€d遺??큑n?큢踰븊h?갻r?? t?뎗e?쐎寃긲h?€e?r )
      2 ?ㅼ쓬 鍮덉뭏??i?쨞 ?큓h媛€e湲컍r?릋es?? 留욎? 寃껋??
                                                                                                   ??One of the three countries I want to

      We should solve the problem by                                             .                 visit is Italy. ??Another is Japan. ?줚t?셲
                                                                                                   close to my country, and my grandfather
      ??myself ??yourself ??yourselves                                                             lives there. I want to go there to meet                            13

      ??ourselves ??themselves                                                                     him. ?쥱nother is China. I want to see the

                                                                                                   Great Wall ?쨗yself.

      3 ?ㅼ쓬 鍮덉뭏???ㅼ뼱媛?留먯씠 諛붾Ⅴ寃?吏앹??댁쭊 寃껋??

      ??She called (A) after she heard the news.                                                   [8-9] 二쇱뼱吏??⑥뼱?ㅼ쓣 諛곗뿴?섏뿬 臾몄옣???꾩꽦?섏떆??
      ??He had no idea about (B) problems.
                                                                                                   8 (she / looking at / is / herself)
      ??he ??her                                    ??him ??her                                    ??in the mirror.

                                                    ??his ??her                                    9 (favorite doughnuts / my / are / these)
      Review Test??his ??himself                                                                   ??Come here and have some.
                                                                                                   [6-7] 鍮덉뭏???ㅼ뼱媛????녿뒗 寃껋쓣 怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.
      ??himself ??hers

      [[14--25]] ?먮떎?뚮떒?대컩?섏쨪 愿€移쒓퀎遺€媛€遺꾩븘以묐옒?€?대쾿媛숈긽?€?닿쾬?됱쓣?쒓퀬寃껊Ⅴ?€????

      041 All of you did a good job. You should                                                    1006 洹몃┝??蹂닿퀬, 諛묒쨪 移?遺€遺꾩쓣 諛붾Ⅴ寃?怨좎튂?쒖삤.
            ?졻몼??                                                                                                   I looked everywhere for                               cell
      be proud of yoursmeelf.??mine                                                                phone, but I couldn?셳 find it.

      ??he ??him                                    ??us ??our

      ?? heI rg?뱋thtewro letters from?즡yyofuam?밿lyyo. uOrnse                                       ??his                            ??my                 ??your

      ?쨢aits ?밼roit?셫s                     ??      and  another              ??                    ??her                            ??us
                                       my father,                       was from
                                                                                                   A: Who?셲 the girl with a big bag?
      0m2y           ??                                              ??            brother.                                                                               07B: This is Sarah, one of my best friends.

      ??                                                                                           ??                               several times, but
                          us ??ourselves                                                            Jane called

      ??we ??our                                    ??he ??himself                                 there was no answer.

      ??they ??themselves ??she ??herself                                                          ??them                           ??him                ??us         15
                                                                                                   ??yours                          ??her
      ??you ??yourselves

      [3-5] ?ㅼ쓬 諛묒쨪 移?紐낆궗?€ 洹?醫낅쪟媛€ ?ㅻⅨ ?섎굹??                                                              [8-9] ?ㅼ쓬 以??대쾿???€由?臾몄옣??怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.
      Monica is my favorite friend.                                                                ??Smoking is bad for your health.
                                                                                                   ??Would you pass me the salt?
      ??animal                         ??doll                           ??book
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8