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??梨낆쓽 援ъ꽦怨??뱀쭠

01                                                                                                                                                                         Introduction

                            My brother eats more than I do.                                                                                                                 媛?unit???€??臾몃쾿???ㅼ뼇???곹솴 ?덉뿉???ъ슜???댁슜???ъ쭊怨??④퍡
                                                                                                                                                                            誘몃━ ?쒖떆?⑥쑝濡쒖뜥 愿€???댁슜??媛쒖슂瑜??쒖꽦?뷀븯???숈뒿???€???λ?瑜?                            He is taller than I am.                                                                                                                         ?믪씪 ???덈룄濡??섏??듬땲?? ?€?붾Ц, ?댄솕臾? ?섏닔猿섎겮 ?깆쓣 ?댁슜???숈뒿
                                                                                                                                                                            ???쒖옉?€ ?숈깮?ㅼ쓽 吏묒쨷?꾨? ?믪씠怨? ?숈뒿???€??遺€?닿컧??以꾩뿬以?????                            The more I eat, the taller I will                                                                                                               ?듬땲??
                                                                                                                                                                            Easy Explanation and Plenty of Examples
 01U N I T 鍮꾧탳湲됯낵 鍮꾧탳湲??쒗쁽
                                       鍮꾧탳湲?                                                                                                                                 ?뚭린 ?쎄쾶 ?뺣━???ㅻ챸怨??곸젅???덈Ц???쒓났?섏뿬 以묐벑 ?곷Ц踰?湲곕낯
                                                                                                                                                                            ?ㅻ젰???쇳듉???ㅼ쭏 ???덉뒿?덈떎.
                                       M鍮꾧탳y湲됱?b?쐒濡쐎?쨟h瑜퇯?릖?€e?갵?쁳?켽吏늤?대굹o?걊?쐃瑜펤鍮꼑援륾?쁭??I?캾?곗씠o硫? , 二쇰줈 ?뺤슜?ъ? 遺€?ъ뿉 -er/more瑜?遺숈뿬
                                       留뚮벊?덈떎. 鍮꾧탳湲??ㅼ뿉?똳han(~蹂대떎) + 鍮꾧탳?€?곥€띿씠 ?댁뼱吏묐땲??                                                                                               Check Up
                                       He is taller than I am.
                                       鍮꾧탳湲?留뚮뱶??踰?                                                          ??                                                               Check up 1?먯꽌??鍮꾧탳???쎄퀬 媛꾨떒???좏삎??臾몄젣瑜? Check up 2
                                                                                                                                                                            ?먯꽌??醫€???ы솕???댁슜??臾몄젣瑜??€?대낫硫댁꽌 ?대떦 Unit?먯꽌 諛곗슫 臾몃쾿??                                                               tall ??taller fast ??faster                        big ??bigger pretty ??prettier                            ?쇰쭏?????댄빐?섍퀬 ?덈뒗吏€ ?먭???蹂????덉뒿?덈떎.
                                       The more I eat, the taller I will?뺤슜??遺€??-er
                                                                                                                  (?⑥옄??+ ?⑤え??           (-y濡??앸굹???⑥뼱)                        Actual Test

                                       grow.more + ?뺤슜??遺€??     beautiful ??more beautiful                         famous ??more famous                                      諛곗슫 臾몃쾿???댁떊 ?쒗뿕???곸슜?섏뿬 諛붾줈 ?€?대낵 ???덈룄濡?10媛쒖쓽 臾몄젣瑜?                                                               (3?뚯젅 ?댁긽)                                           (-ous, -ive, -ful,-ly濡??앸굹???⑥뼱)                            ?쒖떆?섏??듬땲?? ?대줈???숈깮?ㅼ? ?대떦 臾몃쾿???숆탳 ?쒗뿕?먯꽌???대뼚??                                                                                                                                                                            ?뺥깭濡?異쒖젣?섎뒗吏€ 誘몃━ ?뚭퀬 ?ㅼ쟾 媛먭컖??湲곕? ???덉뒿?덈떎. 10臾몄젣 以?0102                                  遺덇퇋移?                    good / well ??better                               bad / ill ??worse                                         3臾몄젣???쒖닠?뺤쑝濡?異쒖젣?섏뿬 ?ㅼ젣 ?쒗뿕怨쇱쓽 ?곌??깆쓣 ?믪씠怨??쒖닠??                                 UNIT                          many / much ??more                                 little ??less                                             ?됯????④낵?곸쑝濡??€鍮꾪븷 ???덇쾶 ?섏??듬땲??

                                       鍮꾧탳湲됯낵 鍮꾧탳湲??쒗쁽e.g. This shirt is so small. I wear a bigger one. ???붿툩???덈Т ?묒븘. ?섎뒗 ????嫄??낆뼱.                                               Review Test
                                             You will do better next time. ?덈뒗 ?ㅼ쓬 踰덉뿉 ???섑븷 嫄곗빞.
                                             Could you walk more slowly? I can?셳 follow you. 醫€ ??泥쒖쿇??嫄몄쓣?? ???곕씪媛????놁뼱.                                                       媛?chapter???ы븿??unit??紐⑤몢 ?숈뒿???? 諛곗슫 ?댁슜??醫낇빀?섏뿬
                                             My school finishes earlier than your school. ?곕━ ?숆탳???덊씗 ?숆탳蹂대떎 ???쇱컢 ?앸굹.                                                           ?됯??????덈룄濡?Review Test瑜?援ъ꽦?섏??듬땲??

                                       鍮꾧탳湲?                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3

                                       鍮꾨퉬援먭탳湲됯툒?€ ?쒗몴濡쒗쁽?ㅻⅨ ???€?곸쓽 ?깆쭏?대굹 ?곹깭瑜?鍮꾧탳?섎뒗 ???곗씠硫? 二쇰줈 ?뺤슜?ъ? 遺€?ъ뿉 -er/more瑜?遺숈뿬
                                       鍮꾨쭔援먮벊湲됰땲?꾨떎.?щ퉬?④탳?섍툒?붾뮘二쇱뿉?붵€똳?쐆a?꼗??~?€蹂대떎?ㅼ쓬) +怨쇰퉬媛숆탳?듬??덉긽?ㅳ€????댁뼱吏묐땲??

                                       鍮꾧탳湲?留뚮뱶??踰??쒗쁽                                                        ???섎?

                                       m?븋?쯢?촪,/遺€a ?촯itt-lee,r even,tafallr,?뭓tlaoltle+r 鍮꾧탳fa湲뎤t  ?? fast?쮍r?? ?? ~bi?쐅 ??鍮꼉援릋g湲뎖?쁢r??  pretty ??prettier
                                       become/get/grow + 鍮꾧탳湲?and 鍮꾧탳湲?                                     ?먯젏   ?? ~(?⑦빐?먯????? ?⑤え??       (-y濡??앸굹???⑥뼱)

                                       mtohree鍮?援먰삎湲됱슜,?촷h/遺€e ?щ퉬援먭툒b(3e?똞?늱?큧i?갽u)l ??more beautif~ul?좎닔濡쓋(-a?봮mus~,o-u?쁦vse?? ??ful,m-lyo濡쐒?쓊?쁣a?봫?쮗?큨)s
                                          more and    more                                              ?먯젏 ??留럃a?€d / ill ??worse
                                                      is much  good / well ??better                  ?? ?곸옄???€li?걎t?릐e蹂닳넂??l?쮍?촶s??臾닿쾪??
                                                 遺덇퇋移?          hmeaanvyie/rmthuacnht?뭜amt boorxe.
                                       e.g. This box

                                       e.g. TIth?셲isgsehttiirntgiscsooldsemraalnl.dI cwoeladrera ibnigthgiesrroonoem. .?댁씠?붾갑痢좎??붿젏?덉젏臾대뜑?묒텛?꾩썙. ?섏쭊?붾떎.????嫄??낆뼱.
                                            TYhoue mwiollredyoobuetrteeardn,ethxtetsimmea.r?늯e?봱 y?쨚?똵 踰늛e?릘.?붾쭖?섏씠?좎씫嫄곗쓣?쇱닔.濡??덈뒗 ???묐삊?댁쭊??
                                            MCoourledaynodumwoarlekpmeoorpelesldoownlyot? wI coarnk??t?릃o?릐l?봮w留롮?yo?촸?? 醫€?ㅼ씠???쇱쿇?꾩쿇?덊븯吏€嫄몄쓣?딅옒???ㅻ꼸. ?곕씪媛????놁뼱.

      8 My school finishes earlier than your school. ?곕━ ?숆탳???덊씗 ?숆탳蹂대떎 ???쇱컢 ?앸굹.

                                       鍮꾧탳湲됱쓣 ?ы븿?섎뒗 二쇱슂 ?쒗쁽?ㅼ? ?ㅼ쓬怨?媛숈뒿?덈떎.

03                                                        ?쒗쁽 ?섎?

                                       much, a little, even, far, a lot + 鍮꾧탳湲?                          ?⑥뵮 ??~??(鍮꾧탳湲??섏떇)

                                       become/get/grow + 鍮꾧탳湲?and 鍮꾧탳湲?                                   ?먯젏 ??~?댁???
                                       the 鍮꾧탳湲? the 鍮꾧탳湲?                                                ~?좎닔濡???~?섎떎

                                       more and more                                                    ?먯젏 ??留롮?

                                       Check up 1e.g. This box is much heavier than that box. ???곸옄???€ ?곸옄蹂대떎 ?⑥뵮 ??臾닿쾪??
                                       It?셲 getting colder and colder in this room. ??諛⑹? ?먯젏 ??異붿썙吏꾨떎.

        A                              The more you read, the smarter you get. 留롮씠 ?쎌쓣?섎줉 ?덈뒗 ???묐삊?댁쭊??

      8                                二쇱뼱M吏꼘r?쮍 a?큡?쁡 m鍮꼘援릖e湲뎟?꼌op?쐋e?쯣?쁮 ?촱ot臾툃?쩹?꼛k.?꾩젏?깆젏 ?섎뜑 ?쒕쭖?€?ㅼ궗. ?뚮뱾???쇱쓣 ?섏? ?딅뒗??

                                       01 This line is                     . Let?셲 wait in that line. (long)
                                       02 Which boy is                        , Bob or Tony? (tall)
                                       03 My umbrella is                          than yours. (big)
                                       04 Mt. Everest is                        than Mt. Fuji. (high)
                                       05 The blue pants are                           than the yellow pants. (expensive)
                                       06 An old car is                        than a new car. (cheap)
                                       07 His health is getting                          and . (bad)
                                       08 Now I eat
                                       09 Soccer is                        food than before. (little)
                                       10 People want to make              than hockey. (popular)

                                                                                          money. (much)

04   B 二쇱뼱吏??⑥뼱?ㅼ쓣 諛붾Ⅴ寃?諛곗뿴?섏뿬 臾몄옣???꾩꽦?섏떆??

                                       01 Ray has                                                              . (I / do / friends / more / than / a lot)

                                       02 The daytime                                                          . (and / shorter / became / shorter)

                                       Actual Test03 The more you smile,                                                    .
                                           (get / you / friends / more / the)

      1            04 go overseas to study English.
           ?ㅼ쓬 鍮덉뭏??(?똞留엖d?€/寃긩?€o?re / children / more) [6-7] 鍮덉뭏???ㅼ뼱媛?留먯씠 ?뚮쭪寃?吏앹??댁쭊 寃껋??

         Ted has 05 Ted gofrtiends than I do.                                                        6 . (than / did / a / score / Mary / higher)

      ??many ??6muTchhey?줹ivseomine a??more ??higher                                                   ??Th.e(cbuitiyld/inbgigisger(/Ao) ursth/atnhathne/tomwuecr.h)
                   07 Life                                                                           in?뢶hKeelclyitsyi.n(gbsuwsioerrse/ ge(tBs)/ anhder/

      [2-3] ?ㅼ쓬 鍮?移????ㅼ뼱媛????녿뒗 寃껋쓣 怨좊Ⅴ?? ?쨟h.e more t?쟧metayllo?뱔thhaanve. (?죣otual/letrh?밻 a/ ngdet u?줽s/heoartrl?밿etrh)e
                                                                           leave th?즕 ctoalulenrtr?뱘.th(apneo?쨛lesh/ omrtoerre??amndore / and)
      2 09

         Gina got 1a0                  T(dhiertipear r/ksgcweotarteisningh/isdtiorrtyietrh/anand)                 .
         Peter did.                                                                                  7

                                                                                                       ??My father is getting (A) and better.

      ??lower ??higher ??well ??worse ??better                                                          ??The more time we had, (B) longer

                                                                                                        we studied for the exam.                                        9

      3                                                                                              ??good ??more                      ??well ??than

         Her hair is                                  longer than mine.                              ??the better ??much ??better ??the
                                                                                                     ??worse ??a lot

      ??very ??much ??even ??far ??a little

05   4 諛묒쨪 移?鍮꾧탳湲됱쓽 ?뺥깭媛€ ?섎せ ?곗씤 寃껋??                                                                      8 ??臾몄옣???살씠 媛숇룄濡?鍮덉뭏???뚮쭪?€ 留먯쓣 ?곗떆??
                                                                                                       Mom gets up at 6:30, and I get up at 8:00

      ??Ken is smarter than I am.                                                                       in the morning.

      ??My Abro:theTr ihs efarteer thiasnaI asmm. all mounta=inMobmeghetsinupd my house. I do.

      ?? CThainsBIrog:oemtHcisloansoevirsetioerystehoeanuit?thlaitvoneed.  in  that                     house     for       a
      ??                                                                                             9 二쇱뼱吏??⑥뼱?ㅼ쓣 諛곗뿴?섏뿬 臾몄옣???꾩꽦?섏떆??

      ??The bandlois nmogretpiompuela?r than the
                                                                                                        The more milk you drink,
                                       A: Yes. I?셶e been living there since . (grow / taller / you / the)

03 ?μ냼?€ ?쒓컙???꾩튂?? ?ㅼ쓬 以???踰????€0由? 臾몄옣?€?                                                                 10 ?곕━留먭낵 ?쇱튂?섎룄濡?二쇱뼱吏??⑥뼱瑜??쒖슜?섏뿬 臾몄옣??                         ??The Amazon is longer than the Nile.                                         ?꾩꽦?섏떆??
                         ??China is bigger than Japan.
           U N I ?줥The weather is getting worse and worse.                                              ?곕━ ?ы쉶???먯젏 怨좊졊?붾릺怨??덈떎.
                         ??The movie was much more interesting
         than the book.                                                                                 (society, get old)

      ??In a?쪀tu?똫?쁭, th?꼌移쁝ir?촢ecomes cool and cooler.                                                 ??
                                       in, on, at ?몄뿉???μ냼瑜??섑??대뒗 ?ㅼ뼇???꾩튂?ш? ?덉뒿?덈떎.

                                       in front of  ~ ?욎뿉       among                                 ~ ?ъ씠??(???댁긽)           outside     ~ 諛뽰뿉                            11
                                       behind       ~ ?ㅼ뿉       toward(s)                             ~???ν빐??(諛⑺뼢)            out of      ~ 諛뽰쑝濡?                                       across       ~??媛€濡쒖쭏??   near                                  ~ 媛€源뚯씠??                from ~ to   ~?먯꽌 ??퉴吏€
                                       around       ~ 二쇱쐞??     through(out)                          ~???듦낵?섏뿬                for         ~???ν빐??(?μ냼)
                                       along        ~???곕씪??    into                                  ~ ?덉쑝濡?
                                       e.g. Across the river, there is a small bridge. 媛뺤쓣 媛€濡쒖쭏?? ?묒? ?ㅻ━媛€ ?섎굹 ?덈떎.
                                            The truck went through the long tunnel. ?몃윮?€ 湲??곕꼸???듦낵?댁꽌 媛붾떎.
                                            The youngest one is the prettiest among the three daughters. ????以?留됰궡媛€ 媛€???덉걯??
                                            Please, get out of my room immediately. ?뱀옣 ??諛⑹뿉???섍? 二쇱꽭??
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