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P. 8

I have a seven-year-old sister.
                   She doesn?셳 go to school.
                   But she likes mathematics.

01U N I T 紐낆궗?€ 愿€??                            ??긽 蹂듭닔 ?뺥깭濡??곗씠??紐낆궗
                                  shoes, scissors, socks, glasses, gloves, pants ?????띿씠 ?덉뼱???섎굹??臾쇨굔???섎뒗 紐낆궗?ㅼ? 蹂듭닔
                                  ?뺥깭濡??곌퀬 蹂듭닔 ?숈궗瑜??ъ슜?섎ʼn, ?섎? ?€ ?뚯뿉??a pair of, two pairs of ?깆쓽 ?⑥쐞瑜??ъ슜?⑸땲??
                                 e.g. Jack needs a pair of scissors, two pairs of pants, and three pairs of gloves.
                                                     Jack?€ ??踰뚯쓽 媛€?? ??踰뚯쓽 諛붿?, 洹몃━怨???踰뚯쓽 ?κ컩???꾩슂??

                         ?뚯닔??+ 紐낆궗?띻? ?뺤슜?щ줈 ?곗씪 ??
                                  ?섏궗媛€ 蹂듭닔???뚮뒗 ?ㅼ쓽 紐낆궗瑜?蹂듭닔濡??⑥빞 ?섏?留뚣€? ?섏궗 + 紐낆궗?띻? hyphen(-)?쇰줈 ?곌껐?섏뼱 ?ㅼ쓽 紐낆궗瑜?                                      ?섏떇???뚮뒗 ?섏궗 ?ㅼ쓬???ㅻ뒗 紐낆궗瑜??⑥닔濡??곷땲??
                                  e.g. Kim has a two-year cat. Kim?€ ???댁씤 怨좎뼇?대? 媛뽮퀬 ?덈떎.
                                  c.f. The cat is two years old. 洹?怨좎뼇?대뒗 ???댁씠??

                            ?뺥깭??蹂듭닔?댁?留??⑥닔 痍④툒?섎뒗 紐낆궗

                                  mathematics(?섑븰), economics(寃쎌젣??, physics(臾쇰━??, politics(?뺤튂??, news(?댁뒪) ?깆? ?앹뿉 -s媛€
                                     ?덈뒗 蹂듭닔?뺤씠吏€留???긽 ?⑥닔濡?痍④툒?⑸땲??
                                  e.g. Mathematics is my favorite subject. ?섑븰?€ ?닿? ?쒖씪 醫뗭븘?섎뒗 怨쇰ぉ?댁빞.

                            愿€?ъ쓽 ?앸왂

                                 (1) ?μ냼??嫄대Ъ??蹂몃옒??紐⑹쟻?쇰줈 ?ъ슜???? go to school, go to church, go to bed
                                  e.g. We go to school at 8:30. ?곕━??8??30遺꾩뿉 ?숆탳??媛꾨떎.
                                 (2) ???? ?숆낵, ?대룞???섑??대뒗 紐낆궗: breakfast, lunch, dinner, science, soccer, baseball, tennis
                                  e.g. We play soccer every morning. ?곕━??留ㅼ씪 ?꾩묠 異뺢뎄瑜???

                                        ??[二쇱쓽] play the +?낃린 ?대쫫: ~瑜??곗<?섎떎. e.g. She can play the violin.
                                  (3) by + 援먰넻?섎떒: by bus, by train, by plane, by ship, by bicycle
                    8 e.g. We went to the island last summer by ship. ?곕━??吏€???щ쫫??諛곕? ?€怨?洹??ъ뿉 媛붿뿀??
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