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Quattro Grammar Jump

5 ?섎Ц臾? 臾쇱쓬?쒕줈 ?앸굹硫? 二쇱뼱?€ ?숈궗媛€ ?꾩튂?쒕떎.

   1> ?섎Ц?щ줈 ?쒖옉?섎뒗 ?섎Ц臾? Yes/No濡??€?듯븯吏€ ?딄퀬, 吏덈Ц?먯꽌 ?붽뎄?섎뒗 ?댁슜?쇰줈 ?€?듯븳??

       Who told you about the party? ??My sister told me. (二쇨꺽 ?섎Ц??who) ?꾧? ?뚰떚???€???댁빞湲고빐 二쇱뿀吏€? ?????щ룞?앹씠 留먰빐 二쇱뿀??
       Who(m) can you ask for help? ??I can depend on Taylor for help. (紐⑹쟻寃⑹뿉??who/whom 紐⑤몢 媛€??

         ?꾧뎄?먭쾶 ?꾩????붿껌?????덇쿋?? ???섎뒗 ?뚯씪?ы븳???꾩???諛붾엫 ???덉뼱.

       When is Michelle coming? ??She is coming at 2 p.m. 誘몄끂?€ ?몄젣 ?ㅼ?? ???ㅽ썑 ???쒖뿉 ??嫄곗빞.
       Why did he ride his bike? ??His car broke down. 洹몃뒗 ???먯쟾嫄곕? ?€怨?媛붿?? ??洹몄쓽 李④? 怨좎옣 ?ъ뼱.
       How much was the sweater? ??It was 30 dollars. 洹??ㅼ썾???쇰쭏?€?? ??30?щ윭?€??
       Which color do you want, blue or green? ??I prefer green. (?좏깮?섎Ц臾? ?뚮??됯낵 ?뱀깋 以묒뿉 ?대뼡 嫄??먰븯?? ?????뱀깋??醫뗭븘.

   2> Be ?숈궗??議곕룞??Do/Does/Did/Will/Can/May . . .)濡??쒖옉?섎뒗 ?섎Ц臾?
       Yes/No濡??€?듯븳?? 遺€?뺤쓽臾몃Ц?쇰줈 臾삳뜑?쇰룄 ?€?듯븯???댁슜??湲띿젙?대㈃ 湲띿젙臾몄쑝濡??€?듯븳??

       Are you going to buy a new car? ??Yes, I am. / No, I?셫 not. ??李???嫄곗빞? ??洹몃옒, ??嫄곗빞. / ?꾨땲, ????嫄곗빞.
       Weren?셳 you tired last night? ??Yes, I was. / No, I wasn?셳. ?댁젽諛ㅼ뿉 ?쇨낀?섏? ?딆븯?? ???? ?쇨낀?덉뼱?? / ?꾨땲, ?쇨낀?섏? ?딆븯?댁슂.
       Does your sister work at the bookstore? ??Yes, she does. / No, she doesn?셳.

         ???щ룞?앹씠 洹?梨낅갑?먯꽌 ?쇳븯?? ???? 梨낅갑?먯꽌 ?쇳빐?? / ?꾨눊, ?쇳븯吏€ ?딆븘??

       Will they give us a ride to the supermarket? ??Yes, they will. / No, they won?셳.

         洹몃뱾???곕┫ ?덊띁留덉폆源뚯? ?쒖썙??以꾧퉴? ???? ?쒖썙??以?嫄곗빞. / ?꾨땲, 洹몃젃吏€ ?딆쓣 嫄곗빞.

       Do you swim on Tuesday or Thursday? ??I swim on Tuesday. (?좏깮?섎Ц臾몄뿉??Yes/No濡??€?듯븯吏€ ?딅뒗??)

         ?붿슂?쇨낵 紐⑹슂??以묒뿉 ?몄젣 ?섏쁺?? ?????붿슂?쇱뿉 ?섏쁺??

   3> 遺€媛€?섎Ц臾? 湲띿젙臾??ㅼ뿉??遺€?뺥삎?쇰줈, 遺€?뺣Ц ?ㅼ뿉??湲띿젙?뺤쑝濡??대떎.

       Marcus doesn?셳 eat meat, does he? ??No, he doesn?셳. 留덉빱?ㅻ뒗 怨좉린瑜?癒뱀? ?딆?, 洹몃젃吏€? ??洹몃옒, 癒뱀? ?딆븘.
       Tracy drives a red car, doesn?셳 she? ??Yes, she does. (遺€?뺥삎?€ 異뺤빟?뺤쑝濡??대떎. does not she? 濡??곗? ?딆쓬)

         ?몃젅?댁떆媛€ 鍮④컙 李⑤? ?댁쟾?섏?, 洹몃젃吏€ ?딅땲? ??洹몃옒.

       We aren?셳 going to Disneyland, are we? ??No, we aren?셳. ?곕┛ ?붿쫰?덈옖?쒖뿉 媛€吏€ ?딆쓣 嫄곗짛, 洹몃젃吏€?? ??洹몃옒, 媛€吏€ ?딆쓣 嫄곗빞.
       You have forgotten my name, haven?셳 you? ??Yes, I have. ???대쫫???딆뿀援곗슂, 洹몃젃吏€ ?딅굹?? ??洹몃옒?? ?딆뿀?댁슂.
       Please keep quiet in the library, will you? (紐낅졊臾몄쓽 遺€媛€?섎Ц臾몄? will you?) ?꾩꽌愿€?먯꽑 議곗슜????二쇱꽭?? 洹몃옒以꾨옒??
       Let?셲 have a debate on computer games, shall we? (泥?쑀臾몄쓽 遺€媛€?섎Ц臾몄? shall we?) 而댄벂?곌쾶?꾩뿉 ?€???좊줎???대낫吏€?? 洹몃윺源뚯슂?

   4> 媛꾩젒?섎Ц臾? ?섎Ц臾몄씠 ?꾩껜 臾몄옣???쇰?濡??곗씠??寃쎌슦濡? 二쇱뼱?€ ?숈궗媛€ ?꾩튂?섏? ?딅뒗??
       I wonder if/whether you have any advice for him (or not). ( Do you have any advice for him?)

          ?ㅺ? 洹몄뿉寃??댁쨪 異⑷퀬媛€ ?덉쓣吏€ 紐⑤Ⅴ寃좊꽕. (?뱀떆 洹몄뿉寃??댁쨪 異⑷퀬 ?덈땲?)

       Could you tell me where you met your best friend? ( Where did you meet your best friend?)

          ???덉튇???대뵒??泥섏쓬 留뚮궗?붿? 留먰빐以????덇쿋?? (?대뵒?????덉튇??泥섏쓬 留뚮궃 嫄곗빞?)

       ??二쇱젅??think, suppose, believe, guess?€ 媛숈? ?숈궗媛€ ?덉쑝硫??섎Ц?ш? 臾몄옣 留??욎뿉 ?볦씤??
          Where do you think I met my best friend? (?쏡o you think where I met ~??앹쑝濡??곗? ?딅뒗??) ???덉튇??泥섏쓬 留뚮궃 怨녹씠 ?대뵒?쇨퀬 ?앷컖?섎땲?

Pop Quiz

   鍮덉뭏???뚮쭪?€ ?쒗쁽???l뼱 ?섎Ц臾몄쓣 ?꾩꽦?섏떆??

   1. _________________ did the group choose as its leader?
   2. _________________ Madeline going to meet us later?
   3. Your brother hasn?셳 started college, _________________ he?
   4. We ate too much at lunch, _________________ we?
   5. I don?셳 know _________________ that class is difficult or not.
   6. _________________ movie do you want to see, the comedy or the thriller?
   7. Justine can come to the meeting, _________________ she?
   8. Do you know _________________ Blake went yesterday?

                                                                               臾몄옣??醫낅쪟?€ 臾몄옣 5?뺤떇 13
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