Page 7 - Compass Publishing
P. 7


                                       1 Surprise!

                                    something [s??m罐i흯]    臾댁뾿?멸?, ?대뼡 寃?
                                    surprise [s?rpr찼iz]  ?€?쇨쾶 ?섎떎


                                    stick [st챠k] 留됰?湲? ?섎춪媛€吏€

                                    kite [k찼it] ??
                                    present [pr챕znt] ?좊Ъ

Mother?셲 on the Phone Again!  I     and so on 湲고? ?깅벑, ~ ??
again [?챕n] ??踰??? ?먮떎??         2  for a long time ?ㅻ옯?숈븞
mood [m첬?d] 湲곕텇
grow [r처u] ~?댁??? ~?섍쾶 ?섎떎            after lunch ?먯떖 ?앹궗 ?꾩뿉
minute [m챠nit] (?쒓컙???⑥쐞) 遺?ring [r챠흯] ?꾪솕?섎떎 ?꾪솕踰??뚮━
be on the phone ?듯솕 以묒씠??hang up ?꾪솕瑜??딅떎
give ~ a hug ~???덉븘二쇰떎

                                    I The Happiest Childhood


                                    magic [m퓰d?ik] 留덉닠

                                    holiday [h?l? ?d챔i] 諛⑺븰, ?닿?, ?댁씪

                                    sight [s찼it] pl. 紐낆냼, 愿€愿묒?

                                    including [inkl첬?di흯]  ~???ы븿?섏뿬

                                    campsite [k퓰mps횪it] ?쇱쁺吏€, 罹좏봽??
                                    stream [str챠?m] 媛쒖슱, ?쒕궡

                                    go -ing ~?섎윭 媛€??
                                    every year 留ㅻ뀈, ?대쭏??
Take a Tour with Us           I

shop [??p? ] ?쇳븨?섎떎                4
explore [ikspl???r] ?먰뿕?섎떎
modern [m?d? ?rn] ?꾨???treasure [tr챕??r] 蹂대Ъ
state [st챕it] ?섎씪
desert [d챕z?rt] ?щ쭑
would rather (李⑤씪由? ~?섍퀬 ?띕떎
be proud of ~???먮옉?ㅻ윭?뚰븯??
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