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09                                                                                                                                                                ?뺣떟 諛??댁꽕 p.02

?€?붾? ?j퀬, ?ъ옄媛€ 吏€遺덊븷 珥?湲덉븸??怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.                                                    14

1 $90     2 $94     3 $99     4 $110      5 $115                               ?€?붾? ?j퀬, ?⑥옄??留덉?留?留먯뿉 ?€???ъ옄???묐떟?쇰줈 媛€???곸젅??                                                                               寃껋쓣 怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.
                                                                               Woman: ___________________________________________________________________
?€?붾? ?j퀬, ?꾩옣?숈뒿??愿€?????щ엺???멸툒?섏? ?딆? 寃껋쓣 怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.                                        1 Put everything in the garbage bin at school.
                                                                               2 You?셱e right. I think everyone will be impressed.
1 ?쒕룞 ?댁슜             2 ?몄썝                  3 ?좎쭨                                 3 No. I don?셳 think it?셲 that important to make it neater.
                    5 ?뱀씪 蹂듭옣                                                    4 You can tell your teacher you?셶e finished your project.
4 1?몃떦 媛€寃?                                                                      5 Try to find the most important message and make it


11                                                                             15

Springfield Farmers??Market??愿€???ㅼ쓬 ?댁슜???j퀬, ?쇱튂?섏?                                ?ㅼ쓬 ?곹솴 ?ㅻ챸???j퀬, Manny媛€ Katie?먭쾶 ??留먮줈 媛€???곸젅???딅뒗 寃껋쓣 怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.                                                                    寃껋쓣 怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.

1 Springfield Square?먯꽌 ?대┛??                                                    Manny: ____________________________________________________________________

2 ?좎꽑???좉린???띿궛臾쇱쓣 ?쒓났?쒕떎.                                                           1 Can I take a look at your guidebook, please?
3 ?ㅻⅨ 怨노낫??媛€寃⑹씠 ???€?댄븯??                                                           2 Did you double-check all of our reservations?
4 留ㅼ< ?좎슂?쇨낵 ?쇱슂?쇱뿉 ?대┛??                                                            3 Everything?셲 going to be fine. Let?셲 just have fun.
5 ?좎셿寃ъ? ?곕젮?????녿떎.                                                               4 Do you know what hotel we?셱e staying at tonight?
                                                                               5 I can?셳 believe we?셱e going to Bangkok. I?셫 so excited.

?ㅼ쓬 ?쒕? 蹂대㈃???€?붾? ?j퀬, ?ъ옄媛€ ?좏깮???뺤닔湲곕? 怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.

          Quality Water Purifier Rentals

    Ice  Hot Water  Energy Efficiency   Monthly
                          Rating       Rental Fee

1 Yes     Yes              1              $50                                  [16-17] ?ㅼ쓬???j퀬, 臾쇱쓬???듯븯?쒖삤.

2 No      Yes              1              $40                                  16

3 Yes     No               1              $40                                  ?⑥옄媛€ ?섎뒗 留먯쓽 二쇱젣濡?媛€???곸젅??寃껋??

4 No      Yes              2              $30                                  1 Negative effects of distraction on study
                                                                               2 Health problems related to distractions
5 No      No               2              $25                                  3 Various methods to study more effectively
                                                                               4 Benefits of setting goals and rewarding yourself
13                                                                             5 Benefits of studying in a comfortable environment

?€?붾? ?j퀬, ?ъ옄??留덉?留?留먯뿉 ?€???⑥옄???묐떟?쇰줈 媛€???곸젅??                                         17              2 ?먯떊??諛? 3 怨듭썝
寃껋쓣 怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.                                                                                       5 ?꾩꽌愿€
                                                                               ?멸툒???μ냼媛€ ?꾨땶 寃껋??
Man: ________________________________________________________________________
                                                                               1 援먯떎
1 I really want to be a professor of journalism.                               4 移댄럹
2 Even though journalism is quite boring, I still love it.
3 I think that high-quality journalists are rare these days.
4 I want to change my major, but my father won?셳 let me.
5 I?셝 major in what I was more interested in if I were


                                                                                                        01???ㅼ쟾 紐⑥쓽怨좎궗 ??09
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