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Point 07 5?뺤떇 臾몄옣??紐⑹쟻寃?蹂댁뼱 III

??5?뺤떇 臾몄옣?먯꽌 ?쒖닠?닿? ?ъ뿭?숈궗?대㈃, 紐⑹쟻寃?蹂댁뼱濡??숈궗?먰삎??二쇰줈 ?⑤떎.
???ъ뿭?숈궗: ???섍쾶 ?쒗궎?ㅲ€숇씪???살쓽 ?숈궗濡?make, let, have ?깆씠 ?덈떎.

?ъ뿭?숈궗 make, have, let ?? + 紐⑹쟻??+ ?숈궗?먰삎

(~?먭쾶 ??쓣 ?쒗궎??~?섍쾶 ?섎떎/?덈씫?섎떎)

Our teacher made us clean the playground. ?곕━ ?좎깮?섏? ?곕━媛€ ?대룞?μ쓣 泥?냼?섍쾶 ?덈떎.


??get?€ ?ъ뿭?숈궗???섎?(~?쒗궎??瑜?媛€吏€怨??덉?留? 紐⑹쟻寃?蹂댁뼱濡?to遺€?뺤궗媛€ ?⑤떎.

	 I got my friend to help with work. ?섎뒗 移쒓뎄?먭쾶 ???쇱쓣 ?뺣룄濡??쒖섟??


??help??紐⑹쟻寃?蹂댁뼱濡??숈궗?먰삎?대굹 to遺€?뺤궗 ?????????덈떎.

	 We helped her (to) do the dishes. ?곕━??洹몃?媛€ ?ㅺ굅吏€ ?섎뒗 寃껋쓣 ?꾩솕??

                                紐㈑룸낫(?숈궗?먰삎 or to遺€?뺤궗)

         A 	愿꾪샇 ?덉뿉???뚮쭪?€ 留먯쓣 怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.

                       1	 He had me (hold, holding) his bag.
                       2 	 My mom won?셳 let me (go, to go) there.
                       3 	 Mr. Kim got me (clean, to clean) the classroom.
                       4 	 Our principal made us (wear, to wear) uniforms.
                       5 	 One of my friends will (have, help) me to do my homework.
                       6 	 Mr. White helped the children (pass, passing) the test.
                       7 	 My grandmother advised me (respect, to respect) other people.
                       8 	 My parents let me (play, to play, playing) computer games every Friday.

         B 	 ?곕━留먭낵 ?살씠 媛숇룄濡?愿꾪샇 ?덉쓽 留먯쓣 諛붾Ⅴ寃?諛곗뿴?섏뿬 臾몄옣???꾩꽦?섏떆??

                       1	 ?대え???닿쾶 鍮⑤옒瑜??섍쾶 ?덈떎. (the laundry, do)
                       ?? My aunt had me __________________________________________________________________________________

                       2	 洹몃뱾?€ ?닿? ?쇱쓣 ?ㅼ떆 ?쒖옉?섎뒗 寃껋쓣 ?꾩솕?? (to, the, again, me, job, start)
                       ?? They helped ________________________________________________________________________________________

                       3	 洹몃????곕━?먭쾶 而ㅽ뵾瑜??ъ삤?꾨줉 ?쒖섟?? (made, us, she, some coffee, buy)
                       ?? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                       4	 ?꾨쭏???닿? 肄섏꽌?몄뿉 媛????덈룄濡??댁쨪 寃껋씠?? (my mom, let, will, me, to, the concert, go)
                       ?? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                       5	 ?꾨튌?????숈깮?먭쾶 ?좊Ц???쎌쑝?쇨퀬 ?쒖섟?? (my father, got, to, the, read, newspaper, my younger brother)
                       ?? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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