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P. 20

Point 05 ?꾩옱?꾨즺 vs. 怨쇨굅

                  ?? ?꾩옱?꾨즺??怨쇨굅???쇱뼱???쇱씠 ?꾩옱源뚯? ?곹뼢??誘몄튂怨??덉쓬???섎??섎뒗 諛섎㈃?? 怨쇨굅?쒖젣??怨쇨굅??
                          ?대? ?앸궃 ?쇱씠硫? ?꾩옱?€???곌??깆쓣 ?댄룷?섏? ?딅뒗??

                       South Africa produced half of the world?셲 gold last year.

                            ?⑥븘怨듭? ?묐뀈?????멸퀎 湲덉쓽 ?덈컲???앹궛?덈떎. (?묐뀈???쇱뼱???ш굔?대ʼn ?꾩옱?€???곌????놁쓬: 怨쇨굅)

                       South Africa has produced half of the world?셲 gold for a decade.
                         ?⑥븘怨듭? 10?꾧컙 ?꾩꽭怨?湲덉쓽 ?덈컲???앹궛???붾떎. (10???꾨???吏€湲덇퉴吏€ 怨꾩냽?섍퀬 ?덉쓬: ?꾩옱?꾨즺)

                  ?? yesterday, ago, last ~, in + (怨쇨굅)?꾨룄 ??紐낅갚??怨쇨굅 ?쒖젏???섑??대뒗 ?쒓컙遺€?щ뒗 ?꾩옱?꾨즺?€
                       ?④퍡 ?곗씠吏€ ?딅뒗?? ?먰븳 ?뺥솗???뚮? 臾삳뒗 when(?몄젣)?쇰줈 ?쒖옉?섎뒗 吏덈Ц???꾨즺?뺢낵 ?④퍡 ?곗? ?딅뒗??
                       I have found my lost dog. ?섎뒗 ?껋뼱踰꾨졇??媛뺤븘吏€瑜?李얠븯??
                       I have found my lost dog yesterday. (X) / I lost my dog yesterday. (o)

                  	 cf. 諛섎㈃??since, for ?깆? ?꾩옱?꾨즺(怨꾩냽)?€ ?④퍡 ?곗씤??

    A 	 諛묒쨪 移?遺€遺꾩씠 ?대쾿??留욎쑝硫?O?? ?€由щ㈃ 諛붾Ⅴ寃?怨좎퀜 ?곗떆??

        1	Where have you been last night?	                     ??        ________________________
        2 	 When have you found your lost wallet?	             ??        ________________________
        3 	We have celebrated our anniversary last week.	      ??        ________________________
        4 	 The patient has recovered a lot since yesterday.	  ??        ________________________

        5 	 She taught middle school science for two years.	   ??
        6 	 Ireland has gained independence from England in 1921.	 ??
        7 	 Thanksgiving Day was celebrated for more than 400 years.	 ??
    B 	 愿꾪샇 ?덉쓽 ?⑥뼱瑜??쒖슜?섏뿬 ?€?붾? ?꾩꽦?섏떆?? (?? ?쒖젣??二쇱쓽??寃?

             1	 A: Have you heard from Mike since last summer?
             	 B: Yes. He _____________________ me a month ago. (call)

             2	 A: Why don?셳 you call John to tell him that the meeting is canceled?
             	 B: I can?셳 because I _____________________ _____________________ his phone number. (lose)

             3	 A: I am so hungry. I _____________________ _____________________ anything since this morning. (eat)
             	 B: Oh, that?셲 too bad. You must be starving now.

    C	  ?쒖젣???좎쓽?섏뿬, 愿꾪샇 ?덉쓽 ?숈궗瑜?鍮덉뭏???뚮쭪?€ ?뺥깭濡?諛붽퓭 ?곗떆??

        1	Mina _____________________ to Thailand last weekend. (go)
        2 	Someone _____________________ _____________________ the desk already. We don?셳 have to move it

           now. (move)
        3 	 They _____________________ to build a well in Uganda in 1999. (begin)
        4 	 What _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ as volunteer work so far? (do)

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