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λũ, 뿡 ݼ Ƽ

ۼ : / ۼ : 2021-02-04 / ȸ : 2175

λũ ‘ƽþ èǾ’ ౸ܿ FW Ƽ ϸ ο ǵ ߴ.

Ƽ 2013 J V-ٷ Ű Դϸ ο ߴ. 2017 û FAſ FC, پ Ȱ ġ û FA 4 ̲ ̺ 庻̴. û Ű 6 4 ߰ 2019 õƼ ϸ鼭 ó K 븦 Ҵ. 2017 FA 4 ߴ Ƽ ϸ 2020 , FA ؿ Բߴ.

173cm, 71kg ٺ ü Ƽ ǵ 1:1 ϴ ɷ پ. ִ ҵ鿡 εǾ. ౸ Ÿ Ѹ𵨷δ ̿ ۶ ڽŸ žҴ. ҵ ϴ ͺ ְڴٴ δ.

Ƽ Ư Ȱ Ⱓ ŬϿ콺 , ̿ Ŀ Ѵ. δ “λũ ȯ濡 ౸ ְ Ǿ ̰, λ ùε鿡 ִ ౸ 帱 ֵ ϰڴ. Ǹ ䷹ ؿ 缺 ߽Ű ذ ڴ.” .

Busan IPARK signed Jung Hoon Sung because of his speed and dynamic from “Asian Champion Ulsan Hyundai”. 

Jung Hoon Sung, joined J league side V-Varen Nagasaki as a staring his football career. He went on to score 6 goals and 4 assists for Mokpo city FC and Gangneung City FC, helping them reach FA cup quarterfinals. His outstanding achievements lead him to Incheon United in 2019, K league 1st division. After moving to Incheon, he proved himself his potential which led transferring to Ulsan.

173cm, 71kg, Jung Hoon Sung is small, but he is good at one on one situation with his sprinting. Moreover, fans love his eagerness in the field. According to Jung Hoon Sung, his role model is Douglas Costa who played in Bayern Munich. He mentioned that he will show more than what fans are expected. 

He is known as a leader of the club house with his good personality. His goal in this club is that “he wants to show fun football itself to our fans and it is honor to play for Busan I park with a such good condition. Working with an excellent coach,  Ricardo Perez, might lead his maximum potential this season.

- : 1994 2 22
- : FW
- Ű/: 173cm/71kg
- : (2020)-õƼ(2019)-û(2018)-û(2015-2017)-׷߸𸮿ī(2015)-VٷŰ(2013-2015)
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