Should I get roller skates or inline skates, or rollerblades?


I get asked this several times a week. Mostly by parents who want to start their child on something with wheels, but unsure of which one. So I thought I’ll write a page about it.

Which one is which?

These are roller skates, also known as quad skates

These are roller skates, also known as quad skates


These are inline skates, commonly known as roller blades

Side note: ‘Rollerblade’ is actually a brand that makes inline skates. Back in the 90s, as inline skates was becoming very popular, Rollerblade was the biggest skate manufacturer. Many people mistakenly thought rollerblade as a type of skates.

Which one is easier?

Many people ask..
Let’s take a look at their construct.

Front view:

Notice the contact area with ground.

Notice the contact area with ground.

Roller skates:
The configuration of the wheels has more contact with the ground, making it easier for beginners to balance on one foot.

But this very same configuration means you will feel every bit of stones and cracks under your wheels.

Inline skates:
The configuration of the wheels requires you to balance on a thin line. Without balancing properly, your feet will ‘fall in’ making it hard to learn, and possibly end up with sore feet. (I did this when I was a kid)

Side view:

Notice how inline skates have wayyyy longer frames from the first wheel to the last wheel.

Notice how inline skates have wayyyy longer frames from the first wheel to the last wheel.

Roller skates:
Shorter length of frame, from the front wheels to the back wheel. This allows you to manoeuvre the skates easily. The trucks (in between the wheels) allows the wheels to turn.

Inline skates:
The longer length of frame means inline skates are generally faster, but harder to manoeuvre. The turning circle is bigger than roller skates.

So which one is for me/my child?

The answer is… it depends on what type of skating you want to do.

Do you want to zoom fast along the beach?
Then inline skates would be better suited for you.

Do you want to learn dancing steps, groove to music?
Roller skates are nimble and great for this!

Do you want to commute from A to B ?
Inline skates zoom zoom

Do you like accessorising your skates, putting colourful laces, ornaments etc?
Roller skates all the way!

Do you want to go into a specific roller sport?
eg. Roller hockey, roller derby, artistic skating, slalom..
There are skates made specific to these sports.


Skating brings you a wonderful feeling of gliding, and there are many ways to enjoy it.
Find YOUR kind of skating.

If you have any questions feel free to email me.

Ready to get your roller skates?

Princess on Skates is a Crazy Skates retailer.
Head to the skate shop here!


A guide to buying first pair of roller skates for your child


Roller Skates Anatomy - Plates Mounting