A Study on the Measurement and Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality in School from
This research involved investigating the effects of a First Nations school's indoor environmental quality on health and human performance.
A Study on the Measurement and Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality in School from
The book is derived from a symposium prompted by the growing concern for air quality in homes, offices and schools, and the need for better design of investigations about indoor air quality problems and solutions.
A Study on the Measurement and Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality in School from
The monitoring of indoor air pollutants in a spatio-temporal basis is challenging. A key element is the access to local (i.e., indoor residential, workplace, or public building) exposure measurements.
A Study on the Measurement and Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality in School from
This Special Issue aims to make a concrete technical contribution to the solution of the various problems related to indoor air pollution.
A Study on the Measurement and Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality in School from
In addition to hard copies, the book is also published online and will be updated by the authors as needed to keep it aligned with current knowledge. These salient features can make the handbook fresh with the research development.
A Study on the Measurement and Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality in School from
This book aims to facilitate the implementation of exposure assessment methods in public health practice.
A Study on the Measurement and Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality in School from
This book has been prepared to offer an up-to-date, comprehensive reference manual on indoor air quality to scientists and professionals active in this area.
A Study on the Measurement and Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality in School from
Risk Assessment and Indoor Air Quality carefully ties tog