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When wet air goes through the evaporator coil, because the coil temperature is lower than the dew point of the wet air, the dehumidification begins. Here the air temperature drops, water in the air coagulates out, and the moisture content declines, while the relative humidity increases.
... Analysis on the Operating Characteristics of a Household Dehumidifier. Key. R136. Conference Year. 2004. Authors. Hong Qi Li, Beijing University of Technology
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Dec 15, 2017The performance of the domestic hybrid dehumidifier was measured and analyzed by varying the room temperature, rotating speed of the desiccant ...
Sep 10, 2018In a dehumidifier, the drain bucket usually has a float that will trigger a shut-off switch to prevent the bucket from overflowing. Some ...
In this study, various noises due to the use of dehumidifier are investigated precisely and analysis is performed using psychoacoustic parameters. The three ...
The paper analyses the operating characteristics for a medium-temperature dehumidifier employing a passive evaporator economizer and staged liquid subcooling.
Missing: Household | Show results with:Household
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Generally a relative humidity of 50% is comfortable for your home. This will protect your home and belongings, prevent mold growth and control the dust mite ...
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