The policies discussed illustrate approaches that states can consider when developing legislation, regulations, guidance documents, and programs to create healthier indoor environments in schools.
This book cuts across these professions without being limited by the specificity and bias of any one discipline, to offer those concerned with the total facility a broader, more comprehensive approach to managing indoor air quality and ...
This interdisciplinary guide offers background, research findings, and practical strategies for assessing and improving air quality in hospitals and other healthcare settings.
Implementing Health-Protective Features and Practices in Buildings explores this issue and discusses ongoing research and possible strategies for implementing changes in standards and practices for indoor environmental quality.
The book is derived from a symposium prompted by the growing concern for air quality in homes, offices and schools, and the need for better design of investigations about indoor air quality problems and solutions.
In the new millennium, indoor air quality methodologies have expanded, evolved, and morphed. This book addresses the old and the new. The focus is shifting from a knee-jerk to a more proactive response.
The book discusses the role the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should take in informing the public, health professionals, and those in the building industry about potential risks and what can be done to address them.