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INCHES is a global network of people and organizations interested in promoting the protection of children from environmental and safety hazards. INCHES represents many interests and will speak from the experience and expertise of members of the network, of science and of the best practices in policies and programmes.
The Children's Environmental Health Collaborative, established in 2023, aims to mobilize international action to protect child health, development and ...
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What are international environmental initiatives?
What is children's environmental health?
Who and UNICEF launched the free online course to address children's environmental health?
What are the environmental factors affecting children's health?
The Healthy Environments for Children Alliance is an international mailing list dedicated to promoting healthy environments for children. Courses. WHO ...
The mission of the Collaborative is to mobilize international action to protect child health and development from the impact of climate change and ...
Reducing environmental risks could prevent 1 in 4 child deaths. In 2012, 1.7 million deaths in children under five were attributable to the environment.
CEHN has been the leader of the children's environmental health movement in the nation's capital for over thirty years, and we've come a long way, but there is ...
Global initiatives led by NYU Langone's Division of Environmental Pediatrics assess environmental factors in Mexico, China, and elsewhere.
Children's environmental health research funded by the institute focuses on preconception, prenatal, and childhood environmental exposures.
The Children's Environmental Health Initiative (CEHI) is a research, education, and outreach program committed to fostering environments where all people can ...
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The Children's Environmental Rights Initiative seeks to ensure that children's rights are placed at the centre of environmental decision-making and action.
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