As the yearning for global competence including English communication ability increases, more and more school aged Korean kids have sojourned to overseas to ...
Oct 24, 2024 ¡¤ This research uses the framework of Transition Theory to explore international students' perspectives as they transitioned to online learning.
May 7, 2018 ¡¤ This Thesis (Open Access) is brought to you for free and open access by the SIT Graduate Institute at SIT Digital Collections.
Be brief. 3. You Can't Explain. Even when given a chance to explain all the sights you saw and feelings you had while studying abroad, ...
I also explain that these invisible elements of re-entry make providing blanket support to returnees beyond reverse culture shock tips or a post-study abroad ...
Many researchers confirm that returnees also experience some psychological symptoms, like feeling anxious, less relaxed, stressful, grief and disillusionment, ...
My study has used an innovative qualitative methodology that helped identify reentry shock symptoms in the areas of communication and linguistics, and revisited ...
Students who had the hardest time returning home unexpectedly were at the highest risk for worsened mental health over the following months.
study. I created and implemented an online survey based on my research in the subject of study abroad and reentry shock. This survey (Project #565) was ...
Jul 1, 2010 ¡¤ Thus, the principal purpose of this study was to expand the research on reentry shock and communication by creating a new scale of reentry shock ...
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