Frontline Systems
A convex optimization problem is a problem where all of the constraints are convex functions, and the objective is a convex function if minimizing, or a concave function if maximizing. Linear functions are convex, so linear programming problems are convex problems.
This book is about convex optimization, a special class of mathematical optimiza- tion problems, which includes least-squares and linear programming ...
Convex optimization is a subfield of mathematical optimization that studies the problem of minimizing convex functions over convex sets Many classes of ...
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Convex optimization

Convex optimization is a subfield of mathematical optimization that studies the problem of minimizing convex functions over convex sets. Many classes of convex optimization problems admit polynomial-time algorithms, whereas mathematical... Wikipedia
Video for Convex Optimization
May 6, 2020 ¡¤ The basics of convex optimization. Duality, linear programs, etc. Princeton COS 302, Lecture 22.
Duration: 21:32
Posted: May 6, 2020
Convex Optimization: Fall 2019 Machine Learning 10-725 Instructor: Ryan Tibshirani (ryantibs at cmu dot edu)
This course concentrates on recognizing and solving convex optimization problems that arise in applications. The syllabus includes: convex sets, functions, and ...
Rating (192) ¡¤ $93.61
A comprehensive introduction to the subject, this book shows in detail how such problems can be solved numerically with great efficiency. The focus is on ...
Video for Convex Optimization
Jul 8, 2008 ¡¤ Professor Stephen Boyd, of the Stanford University Electrical Engineering department, lectures ...
Duration: 1:17:14
Posted: Jul 8, 2008
A MOOC on convex optimization, CVX101, was run from 1/21/14 to 3/14/14. If you register for it, you can access all the course materials.
• A convex optimization problem is an optimization problem in which all functions f,h1, are convex, and all functions `1,...`r are affine. (Think: why ...