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Nov 29, 2023Abstract—We present ReLU-QP, a GPU-accelerated solver for quadratic programs (QPs) that is capable of solving high- dimensional control problems at ...
Jun 20, 2024Efficient convex optimization on GPUs for embedded model predictive control. Proceedings of the General Purpose GPUs. Digital Library , Google Scholar. [423]. W ...
Aug 6, 2024The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) [17, 27, 29] is a popular and efficient approach for solving convex optimization problems, including QPs ...
Aug 12, 2024A. Bemporad, ^Learning-based stochastic model predictive control for autonomous driving at uncontrolled intersections, ̄ 2023, submitted for publication.
Nov 11, 2023Our experimental results show that GMBE on an NVIDIA A100 GPU can achieve 70.6/ speedup over the state-of-the-art parallel MBE algorithm ParMBE on a 96-core CPU ...
Sep 14, 2024We consider the problem of improving the computational efficiency of Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithms for general nonlinear systems under non-convex ...
Sep 19, 2024In this paper, we address the problem of reducing the computational burden of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for real-time robotic applications.
Jul 19, 2024This paper covers the main model compression techniques applied for computer vision tasks, enabling modern models to be used in embedded systems.
Sep 23, 2024This paper introduces a new C++/CUDA library for GPU-accelerated stochastic optimization called MPPI-Generic. It provides implementations of Model Predictive ...
Dec 11, 2023Once trained, however, their inference is fast and can be further accelerated on dedicated hard- ware (GPUs). Numerical optimization techniques, in contrast, ...