Sep 1, 1997 ¡¤ Economic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through enhanced dehumidifier timber drying. Author(s) : BANNISTER P., CHEN G., GREY A ...
Economic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through enhanced dehumidifier timber drying ¡¤ P. Bannister, Guangnan Chen, +2 authors. Zhifa Sun ¡¤ Published 1997 ...
You can dry any hardwood or softwood in your dehumidifier kiln, but hardwoods need to dry slower to help reduce cracking and checking and require closer ...
Missing: Emission Enhanced
Some people believe better quality timber is produced when using dehumidifiers to dry wood as the wood is dried more slowly (i.e. less stresses are generated).
Missing: Emission Enhanced
Dehumidifier drying is an enabling technology with unique potential benefits for drying high-quality temperature-sensitive products.
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Economic Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Enhanced Dehumidifier Timber Drying. In Heat Pump Systems, Energy Efficiency and Global Warming ...
A discussion of how to apply "safe drying rate" calibrations with a home-built dehumidifying kiln. January 27, 2007.
Missing: Emission Enhanced
It is found that during the dehumidification drying process, hard drying time is decreasing with the increasing air temperature and velocity and decreasing ...
Missing: Emission | Show results with:Emission
The quality of the lumber dried by the dehumidification process is comparable to, or slightly better than, that normally obtained by conventional kiln-drying.
Missing: Emission Enhanced
This project investigated the effects of hardwood kiln schedule drying parameters on dry kiln emissions, drying defect development, and drying rate in ...
Missing: Enhanced De- humidifier