Agricultural machines which do not meet the mandatory requirements of the technological standards of the State are prohibited from being manufactured and sold. Assembling of agricultural machines with defective or substandard spare parts or with spare parts of scrapped machines are prohibited.
The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of productivity and business management of agriculture by facilitating the development and ...
Missing: Rules | Show results with:Rules
Nov 11, 1994 ¡¤ Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of productivity and business management of agriculture by ...
Missing: Rules | Show results with:Rules
AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION PROMOTION ACT ¡¤ Article 1 (Enforcement Date) ¡¤ This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation. ¡¤ Article ...
The objective of this law is to contribute to the improvement and dissemination of agricultural machinery as well as the promotion of agricultural production.
The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of productivity and business management of agriculture by facilitating the development and ...
Missing: Enforcement Rules
Partial Amendment to the Enforcement Rule of the Agricultural Mechanization Promotion Act. Competent Ministry : Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs ...
[Other] Partial Amendment to the Enforcement Rule of the Agricultural Mechanization Promotion Act. Competent Ministry : Ministry of Agriculture, Food and ...
In accordance with the Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Act (Act No. 82 of 1948), and in order to implement that Act, these Regulations for Enforcement of the ...
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This Law was enacted and promulgated as legislation no. 3120 in ... In the enforcement ordinance and rules of the Agricultural Mechanization Promoting.