Apr 1, 2019Simulation results have indicated that a lower outdoor air flow rate leads to a significant reduction on total electricity consumption for ...
Sep 16, 2021The aim of this study is to examine energy consumption reduction of direct evaporative cooling technology for generating cool air in hot-dry climate regions.
Mar 1, 2023This study therefore proposes a novel outdoor air ventilation strategy that enables maximum air-side free cooling potential and optimized energy-efficient ...
The site cooling energy consumption associated with packaged cooling equipment is about 160 trillion Btus annually. (EIA 2003). ... in this report are limited to ...
Sep 24, 2020This study quantified the impact of the outdoor air fraction by economizer control type in cooling system loads based on actual air-handling unit operation ...
Feasibility Study Energy Saving of Cooling System using. Outdoor Air Control Strategies, The Society of Air-conditioning and Refrigerating. Engineers of Korea ...
The results shown compressor chiller has much better performance but also higher consumption in electricity, while absorption chiller has rather low COP value ...
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Jan 17, 2022Improving the ventilation components in HVAC systems plays an important role in optimizing energy efficiency and improving IAQ [65,66,67].
All heat dissipation strategies require a thermal sink to absorb heat from the building, such as atmospheric air, the ground, water or the sky. In the latter ...
Providing excessive volumes of outside air will increase. HVAC system energy consumption, while lower levels of outside air will negatively impact indoor air.