Accurate load calculations have a direct impact on energy efficiency, occupant comfort, indoor air quality, and building durability. The load calculation is the ...
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Feb 1, 2022The effect of eight common building parameters on heating and cooling load is studied. •. MLP neural network is used to predict the heating ...
This study uses parametric computer simulations of 112 single-family and 63 multi-family residential building prototypes to quantify the contributions of ...
Heating loads refer to the amount of heat energy required to be added to an area to maintain the temperature in an adequate range.
Dec 24, 2020This paper developed an algorithm that controls the supply air temperature in the variable refrigerant flow (VRF), outdoor air processing unit ( ...
Jan 15, 2024The overall campus's heating and cooling load standard deviation decreased by 1272.53 kW and 2352.54 kW, respectively. Among them, the heating ...
Oct 10, 2022The proposed model achieves 0.999 R 2 for heating load prediction and 0.997 R 2 for cooling load prediction, which is superior to existing state ...
This course provides a procedure for preparing a manual calculation for cooling load. A number of published methods, tables and charts from industry ...
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This study uses computer simulations of 120 commercial building prototypes to quantify the contributions of building components such as roofs, walls, windows, ...
Feb 1, 2004The modules calculate the heating and cooling loads of the space for each hour of a year and simulate operation and response of the equipment ...