The Model Clean Indoor Air Act (MCIAA)* is intended to be adapted and adopted by state legislatures as a legal framework for good IAQ in public spaces, outlining best practices for how to monitor implementation, inform the public about the quality of indoor air and the benefits of good IAQ, adjust acceptable standards ...
Jul 26, 2009The purpose of this Act is to protect health of the people using the following facilities and to prevent environmental hazards, ...
The purpose of this Act is to protect health of the people using the following facilities and to prevent environmental risks.
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Jun 20, 2015The Act requires separate standards for 5 substances, namely fine dust, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, aerosol, and carbon monoxide.
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Oct 26, 2023This Order establishes Public Buildings Service (PBS) nationwide requirements for effectively managing and overseeing indoor air quality (IAQ)
Jul 31, 2024The Clean Air Act (CAA) is the comprehensive federal law that regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile sources.
Missing: Used Etc.
Ventilation and temperature control: Good indoor air quality is maintained through adequate ventilation, filtration, and temperature control, most commonly ...
Mar 29, 20166911 (referring to the contents of the Indoor Air Quality Control in. Publicly Used Facilities, etc. Act, which are partially amended by Act No.
Oct 11, 2023Adopting indoor air quality guidelines in the US would improve our understanding of indoor environments and inform health-protective strategies in the building ...
The purposes of this subchapter are- (1) to protect and enhance the quality of the Nation's air resources so as to promote the public health and welfare.