Abstract. In this study, the photocatalyst TiO2 was mixed with a general paint and applied on indoor walls as part of a mock-up test to measure the ...
The findings may be summarized as follows; the NOx concentration was reduced by approximately 7% more (0.134 ppm) with the UV lamp on than when the lamp was off ...
¼³ºñ°øÇÐ³í¹®Áý 2019-09 ; Mock-up Test on NOx Concentration of Photocatalytic Paint and UV Lamps ¡¤ Yong Woo Song ; Min Young Kim ; Mi Yeon Kim ; Jin Chul Park.
Sep 7, 2020 ¡¤ This study revealed that NO x reduction can be realized through TiO 2 photocatalyst-infused coating in winter or cloudy days with a low solar altitude.
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Both tests can be used to evaluate the photocatalytic gas degradation, considering both air depollution and dye degradation for self-cleaning applications.
Sep 30, 2021 ¡¤ The NOx removal performance of photocatalytic construction materials is demonstrated using two experiments under indoor and outdoor environments.
Nov 15, 2017 ¡¤ A French parking lot coated with a photocatalytic paint and illuminated with a UV lamp system was also shown to reduce NOx concentrations [20].
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A French parking lot coated with a photocatalytic paint and illuminated with a UV lamp system was also shown to reduce NOx concentrations [20]. The same ...
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Four photocatalytic paints show little or no activity unless weathered. Two of the paints are activated by condensation-only weathering; a new phenomenon.
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In this work the photocatalytic activity of paints incorporating commercial titanium dioxide for outdoor nitrogen oxide (NO) photoabatement is assessed.
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