We proposed to study several different types of problems involving partial differential equations which arise naturally in applications: Qualitative behavior of ...
A three-dimensional simulation of a compressor dehumidifier was conducted by applying a porous model for condenser and evaporator, and a moving reference ...
A three-dimensional simulation of a compressor dehumidifier was conducted by applying a porous model for condenser and evaporator, and a moving reference ...
Dehumidification effectiveness is increased by 26.1% compared to the flat surface. •. Optimum performance is obtained at desiccant inlet conditions of 35% and ...
Missing: Compressor | Show results with:Compressor
The objective of this study was to conduct a numerical analysis of a compressor dehumidifier while focusing on the dehumidification performance. Even for those ...
Abstract: A three-dimensional simulation of a compressor dehumidifier was conducted by applying a porous model for condenser and evaporator, and a moving ...
Missing: Dehumidification | Show results with:Dehumidification
In the internally-cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier. (ICLDD), cooling medium is introduced to carry away the vaporization latent heat, which enhances.
Missing: Compressor | Show results with:Compressor
Feb 1, 2023 ¡¤ Further, numerical analysis shows an overall improvement in dehumidification ... This type of dehumidifier/regenerator is compact in design ...
Missing: Compressor | Show results with:Compressor
In this Primed Insight, Gavin tackles how to determine dehumidifier size as well as discusses Dessicant versus Refrigerant.
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Oct 29, 2018 ¡¤ The present study intended to study the dehumidification performance of KCOOH solution both experimentally and numerically.