Potential Impacts of Introducing Residential Dynamic Electricity Pricing / Jinhyun Kim,Dongsik Jang,Jiyong Eom; Investigating the Domestic Economic Impact ...
Impacts on households' electricity expenses and peak load. Considering both the potential for reduced electricity expenses for residential consumers and ...
In this study, we investigate the potential impacts of dynamic electricity pricing on customer bills for a representative sample of California utility ...
Nov 16, 2022 , Dynamic pricing is a simple yet effective way to influence consumption as price-sensitive consumers may reschedule the operation of some of the ...
In this review article, we provide a brief summary of electricity rate design, including the possibility of introducing dynamic prices, and explain why dynamic ...
The efficiency gains from dynamic pricing will depend on the price mechanism and the presence of potential market failures and frictions. For instance, a day- ...
... of Time-Of-Use Pricing based on Progressive Pricing DOI. 8. J.-H Kim, 2020, Potential Impacts of Introducing Residential Dynamic Electricity Pricing Google ...
Apr 1, 2012 , Abstract: While time-varying retail electricity pricing is very popular with economists, that support is not matched among regulators and ...
Aug 7, 2015 , This will likely lead to more frequent blackouts and power curtailment during peak periods as well as rises in electricity prices. ... DSM ...
Nov 10, 2010 , Concerns about potential adverse impacts of critical peak pricing on large segments of the residential customer class, in particular low ...