Simulation of a domestic ground source heat pump system using a transient numerical borehole heat exchanger model from
... model (CaRM) for vertical ground-coupled heat exchangers. Renew. Energy 2010, 35, 1537–1550. [CrossRef] 44. Zarrella ... borehole heat exchangers. Int. J. Energy Res. 2011, 35, 312–320. [CrossRef] 46. Ruiz-Calvo, F.; De Rosa, M ...
Simulation of a domestic ground source heat pump system using a transient numerical borehole heat exchanger model from
... numerical solution of freezing problems . Cold Regions Science and Technology , 3 , 237–242 . Gu , Y. and O'Neal , D.L. ( 1998 ) ... Coupled Heat Exchanger 140 Geothermal Energy : Sustainable Heating and Cooling Using the Ground. |
Simulation of a domestic ground source heat pump system using a transient numerical borehole heat exchanger model from
... transient response of ground heat exchangers. Energy and Build 40:1816–1824 17. Bernier M, Pinel A, Labib P, Paillot R (2004) A multiple load aggregation algorithm for ... Earth Heat Pump System with 588 S. Koohi-Fayegh and M. A. Rosen.
Simulation of a domestic ground source heat pump system using a transient numerical borehole heat exchanger model from
... Thermal analysis of heat extraction boreholes. PhD thesis, Sweden: University of Lund 43. Yavuzturk C, Spitler JD, Rees SJ (1999) A transient two-dimensional finite volume model for the simulation of vertical U-tube ground heat exchangers ...
Simulation of a domestic ground source heat pump system using a transient numerical borehole heat exchanger model from
This new work takes advantage of the many lessons learned since the time of the original publication, when GSHPs were primarily residential applications.
Simulation of a domestic ground source heat pump system using a transient numerical borehole heat exchanger model from
... system is itself modeled as composed of cooling elements , typically the region spanned by two chan- nels . Six criteria are applied including ; a transient heat ... model involves using an embedded - process - zone ( EPZ ) model to represent ...
Simulation of a domestic ground source heat pump system using a transient numerical borehole heat exchanger model from
The book provides an authoritative overview of developments in closed loop GSHP systems, surface water, open loop systems, and related thermal energy storage systems, addressing the different technologies and component methods of analysis ...
Simulation of a domestic ground source heat pump system using a transient numerical borehole heat exchanger model from
... ground - coupled heat pump technology in China . Renewable Energy , 87 , 1033–1044 . Hellström , G. ( 1989 ) . Duct ground heat storage model ... TRaNsient system simulation program , user manual . Solar Energy Laboratory . Madison ...