Building Performance Standards (BPS) are outcome-based policies and laws aimed at reducing the carbon impact of the built environment.
Missing: MOLIT 2017-881, Annexed
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Every new federal building must be designed to meet the energy efficiency standards set forth in either 10 CFR 433 or 10 CFR 435.
Missing: MOLIT 2017-881, Annexed list
The Building Energy Efficiency Standards serve to reduce wasteful, uneconomical, and unnecessary uses of energy for the state.
Missing: MOLIT 2017-881, Annexed 7.
Building envelope upgrades included on the State-approved prescriptive list improve energy efficiency, as such, design and implementation do not require ...
Missing: MOLIT 2017-881,
Based on the analysis, DOE has determined that the 2016 edition of the ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 would improve overall energy efficiency in buildings ...
Missing: MOLIT | Show results with:MOLIT
This section specifies requirements for energy efficiency for buildings and appliances, for on-site renewable energy systems, and for energy measuring.
Missing: MOLIT 2017-881, list
Jan 10, 2017 ¡¤ This rule updates the baseline Federal residential standard to the International Code Council (ICC) 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
Missing: MOLIT 2017-881, Annexed
Minimum performance standards and requirements for construction and construction materials, consistent with nationally accepted standards of engineering, fire, ...
Missing: MOLIT 2017-881,
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