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the Renewable Energy Investment Allowance, which provides a partial subsidy of the costs of the installation. Finally, ¡°green¡± loans are also available for ...
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Aug 14, 2023 ¡¤ This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding legal requirements, related agency policies, and technical issues.
The guide addresses keys to successful adoption and implementation and discusses the primary areas that are typically included in beyond code or green building ...
Apr 25, 2023 ¡¤ Assessments may include recommendations for installation of energy efficiency measures, renewable energy and/or grid-interactive systems, such ...
The Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service (P100) establishes standards and criteria for the. Public Buildings Service (PBS) of the U.S. ...
Dec 1, 2020 ¡¤ The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) system is prescribed by MIL-STD 3007 and provides planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration ...
The NJBPU is a state agency and regulatory authority mandated to ensure safe, adequate and proper utility services at reasonable rates for New Jersey ...
In order to achieve RELi Certification, a project must achieve 15 mandatory 'Requirements' as outlined in the RELi v2.0 Rating System Guidelines.
The 2024 Assessment requires participants to report the indicators on Energy, GHG, Water, Waste, Building Certifications, and Efficiency Measures at the asset ...
Oct 26, 2021 ¡¤ EDGE User Guide 178 credits essentially transfer the value of renewable energy generated from the system owner to a consumer on the open market ...