May 19, 2011A few options for that: The WordPress way would be to use get_permalink($post_id) <?php global $post $link = get_permalink($post->ID);.
May 22, 2015I'm creating a simple CMS with a table called 'articles' that all the articles are stored in it. In my AddArticle.php page on the website I have ...
Nov 15, 2016I want to be able to add articles to my Drupal 7 website where the URL location is automatically generated based on the taxonomy.
Mar 29, 2016While creating a journal article in the action class I want to set the existing structure and template to this journal article.
Aug 11, 2015I would like to add an article in joomla without using joomla classes. I tried to insert a article data in the database in the table "content" ...
Mar 31, 2017You have written the addArticle method in app.module.ts you should put that in app.component.ts export class AppModule { addArticle(title: ...
Apr 27, 2022I'm searching a solution for my problem : I want to load my component AddArticle.vue on Home.vue with httpVueLoader, I have tried many times ...
Nov 25, 2013You'd need to change custom routing to Joomla with either a plugin or by hacking the router code. ...
Jan 25, 2012Is it possible for me to instantiate the Journal Article object and set each property without constuctor? ... When I do this it doesn't compile ...
Jan 25, 2011Your link_to will be using the route from resources :articles . If you want it to use the custom route you've defined, name the route, ...