Statements and responses were respectful and used appropriate language, but once or twice body language was not. Most statements and responses were.
Most arguments are supported with facts and examples. Arguments lack factual support. Relevance of supporting arguments. All supporting.
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What are the rubrics for debate?
What are the criteria for scoring a debate?
What are the 4 C's of debate?
How do you evaluate a debate?
Teamwork. All members participated equally in the debate. Most members participated in the debate. One member did the majority of the debating.
Total. Points. Organization. Outline arguments and viewpoints in a clear and orderly way, with appropriate transitions. Completely clear and.
On the right side of the rubric, please write the number representing what you think was the performance level of the debate team in.
Use the following rubric to judge a formal debate. The rubric may be adjusted to incorporate specific forms of debate, multiple or single participants, ...
Consult the rubric below prior to carrying out your research and preparing your debate arguments. When it is your team's turn to debate, hand this rubric in ...
Note: This form can be used by both the teacher and student peers. 1. The speakers' statements clearly supported their position in the debate.
Handout 8. Directions: Use this rubric to rate each group in every category on a scale of 1 to 4. Rubric for Evaluating Debate Performance.