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inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2022. 8. 5. ¡¤ Francis will become the first Jamaican American to serve on the state's highest court when she ...
±â°£: 18:06
°Ô½Ã: 2022. 8. 5.
inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2023. 12. 6. ¡¤ Florida Supreme Court hears arguments in case between Monique Worrell, Gov. Ron ...
±â°£: 1:48
°Ô½Ã: 2023. 12. 6.
inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2022. 8. 5. ¡¤ Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) appoints Judge Renatha Francis to the Florida Supreme Court. Stay ...
±â°£: 18:08
°Ô½Ã: 2022. 8. 5.
inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2022. 8. 5. ¡¤ Palm Beach County Judge Renatha Francis is set to become the newest member of the Florida ...
±â°£: 2:08
°Ô½Ã: 2022. 8. 5.
inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2023. 12. 6. ¡¤ Florida Supreme Court hears arguments in case between Monique Worrell, Gov. Ron ...
±â°£: 2:37
°Ô½Ã: 2023. 12. 6.
inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2023. 10. 19. ¡¤ On August 5, 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis appointed Justice Renatha S. Francis to the Florida ...
±â°£: 1:44:23
°Ô½Ã: 2023. 10. 19.
inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2022. 8. 5. ¡¤ Governor Ron DeSantis announced his appointment of Judge Renatha Francis to the Florida ...
±â°£: 17:20
°Ô½Ã: 2022. 8. 5.
inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2022. 8. 5. ¡¤ Palm Beach County Judge Renatha Francis is set to become the newest member of the Florida ...
±â°£: 2:24
°Ô½Ã: 2022. 8. 5.
inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2024. 12. 18. ¡¤ CISA 2025: The State of American Cybersecurity from CISA's Perspective ; 12/18/2024 ...
±â°£: 2:02:16
°Ô½Ã: 2024. 12. 18.
inauthor: Florida. Supreme Court(Ãâó:
2024. 12. 18. ¡¤ Protecting the Homeland: An Examination of Federal Efforts to Support State & Local Law ...
°Ô½Ã: 2024. 12. 18.