The head is a broad medium wedge with a slightly concave profile and prominent whisker pads and should be small in proportion to the body. The ears should be small with rounded tips. The hind limbs should be slightly taller than the front and the tail should be of medium length, thick and even with a rounded tip.
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Apr 27, 2020 ¡¤ A Bengal cat is an athletic animal, alert to its surroundings; a friendly, curious, confident cat with strength, agility, balance and grace. It ...
May 3, 2019 ¡¤ Bengal Cat Standards: The Bengal should be alert, friendly and affectionate and in excellent physical condition with a dependable temperament. ...
Confident, curious, and athletic, Bengals are extremely intelligent and maintain a kitten-like energy and attitude well into their senior years.
Mar 11, 2024 ¡¤ Elysian Bengals strives to produce kittens sold both as pets as well as breeding and show cats that are bred and compared to the TICA Bengal standard.
Correct body shape of a Bengal reflects the shape of a small forest dwelling jungle cat. • Long and lithe, yet athletic and well muscled. • Torso shape should ...
10. GENERAL: The Bengal is a medium to large cat with a sleek, mus- cular build. Boning is substantial. Hindquarters slightly higher than shoulders. The tail is ...
There are about 6 Bengal cat colors, divided into standard and non-standard by The International Cat Association (TICA).
The TICA Breed Standard of the Bengal cat has been formed for breeders to maintain consistency within the breed and their breeding goals.
BENGAL (Breed 76) General Type Standard The Bengal should be alert, friendly and affectionate and in excellent physical condition with a