The Spruce Pets
The Brazilian Shorthair is a large cat; males can weigh more than 20 pounds. These cats are longer than they are tall, and while they are muscular, they aren't too stocky in build. They have large, pointed ears set well apart and equally large eyes. Their fur is short and sleek, with very little undercoat.
Jul 13, 2022
It is the first cat breed from Brazil to receive international recognition. Brazilian Shorthair. Origin, Brazil. Breed standards. WCF ¡¤ standard ¡¤ Domestic cat ...
Brazilian Shorthairs are sweet and affectionate but also a bit mischievous. They enjoy being part of the family and tend to do a lot of ¡°talking.¡±
Brazilian Shorthair ; Scale of points ; Body, 30 points ; Head, 35 points ; Eye colour, 5 points ; Coat texture, 10 points.
$1,000.00 to $1,300.00
The Breed Standard The Brazilian Shorthair is a fairly large cat, with males weighing in at up to 22 pounds and females coming in at up to 16 pounds. The body ...
As is always the case, exact size standards might vary. Most male Brazilian Shorthairs weigh in at eleven to 22 pounds and most female Brazilian Shorthairs are ...
Brazilian Shorthairs have dramatically expressive eyes. They are a medium sized cat; longer than they are tall. Males have bigger heads than females. Origin.
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Brazilian Shorthair ; weight. 4.5-5. 9.9-11. kglbs ; life span. 14-20 years ; Appearance. The Brazilian Shorthair is a medium-sized elegant cat with specific ...
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The single coat is permissible in a variety of colours and the eye colour will correspond with the coat. The Brazilian Shorthair is only a moderate shedder, ...
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A medium-sized well-built and rather lean feline, weight ranging from 7 to 11 lbs. Head: Medium-small in size, longer than broad, forms a moderate wedge. Males ...