There should be an ample, rounded chest, with a back that is level from shoulder to tail. LEGS: Are well proportioned to body. PAWS: Are round with five toes in front and four behind. TAIL: Is straight and medium in length.
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What is the ideal weight for a Burmese?
The Burmese cat is social and energetic, maintaining kitten-like play well into adulthood. The typical Burmese Cat has an overall height of 10Ħħ-12Ħħ (25-30 cm) and body length of 15Ħħ-18Ħħ (38-46 cm). An average Burmese weighs between 6-14 lb (2.7-6.4 kg) and has a typical lifespan of 16-18 years.
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Burmese. Burmese History. Breed began in 1930 in San Francisco when Dr. Joseph Thompson brought home a walnut-brown female cat he named Wong Mau from Burma and selectively bred her with Siamese males. Breed quickly grew in popularity, but hybrid versions began showing up in cat shows.
What is the language code for Burmese?
Use this standard of points checklist to check the quality and type of your cat. Use it to enter shows and for judging at Burmese cat club shows.
From there, American and British breeders developed distinctly different Burmese breed standards, which is unusual among pedigreed domestic cats.
The Burmese is a cat of perfect physical condition, with excellent muscle tone. There should be no evidence of obesity, paunchiness, weakness, or apathy.
General Type Standard The Burmese is an elegant cat of a foreign type, which is distinctive and quite individual to the breed. In character they are alert, ...
All shades of yellow to amber, golden yellow preferred; alert and bright. Coat Colour: Only as listed below. Coat Pattern: Sepia (i.e., Burmese Pattern Colour ...
Burmese Breed Standard PDF > GENERAL: the overall impression of the ideal Burmese would be a cat of medium size with substantial bone structure, good muscular ...
The Burmese is a cat which originates in the Thai-Burma border and is one of the breeds described in the Smud Khoi, the old Thai Manuscript.
The Burmese is an elegant, muscular cat of medium size, of distinctive foreign type, resembling neither. Siamese nor British build.
General. The ideal Burmese is a cat of medium size with substantial bone structure, good muscular tone and a surprising weight for its size.