Burmillas are medium-build, sturdy and well-muscled cats. While males may be quite robust, females are usually slenderer and daintier. The average weight of Burmilla cat is 4-5 kg. They have short silky dense coat showing a striking contrast between coloured shading/tipping and undercoat.
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The Burmilla Shorthair is a hybrid breed originating in the UK in 1981 from an accidental mating between a (European) Burmese and a Chinchilla Silver.
GENERAL: The Burmilla's appearance is that of an elegant cat of foreign type of medium size. HEAD: Gently rounded top of head with medium width between.
The temperament of the Burmilla is a mix of the outgoing and mischievous nature of the European Burmese and the mellow placidity of the Chinchilla Persian, ...
Semi-longhair Burmilla are known as the Tiffanie in GCCF. The most common (standard) coat is the shorthair. This is a short, close-lying coat, similar ...
Burmilla Shorthair ; Body, 25 points ; Head, 20 points ; Ears, 10 points ; Eyes, 20 points ; Coat texture, 10 points.
The Burmilla's activity needs are standard to many playful breeds: energetic play sessions with plenty of time to sleep. Be sure to keep toys and cat trees ...
The Burmilla's coat patterns are chinchilla silver, chinchilla gold, shaded silver, and shaded gold. They come in a variety of colors—including lilac, blue, ...
Jun 4, 2024Burmilla cats are a delightful and affectionate breed that brings together the best qualities of the Burmese and Persian cats.
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Burmilla Cat , Slightly talkative cat , Average build cat breed , Requires grooming once a week , A bit of both indoor and outdoor space.
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