The Minskin is a breed of cat derived from intentional hybrid cross-breedings between the Munchkin and Burmese, with the addition of Sphynx and Devon Rex, characterized by: Small to medium-sized, semi-cobby, muscular body. Rounded head. Large ears that are wide at the base.
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The Minskin is a breed of cat derived from intentional cross-breeding between the Munchkin and Burmese cat breeds, with the addition of Sphynx and Devon Rex ...
See Show Rules, ARTICLE SIXTEEN for more comprehensive rules governing penalties and disqualifications. Revised 05/01/08. Minskin Breed Standard, 05/01/2008.
The breed standard calls for them to have a ¡°sweet expression,¡± which also speaks to their distinctive personality. The Minskin is known for their gentle but ...
Aug 13, 2018 ¡¤ General Description. The Minskin is a new breed of cat with short legs and fur points-that is fur on the face, ears, nose, legs and tail.
Jun 30, 2023 ¡¤ A full grown Minskin cat usually weighs between 4 to 9 pounds. Non-standard Minskins with longer legs might weigh more than standard Minskins ...
The Minskin is a small to medium-sized breed with short legs. Its head is rounded and wide, with large, round ears that are set wide apart and have slightly ...
Jun 4, 2024 ¡¤ This guide explores the history, characteristics, personality, and care requirements of the Minskin cat to provide a thorough understanding of ...
Aug 8, 2024 ¡¤ Food & Diet Requirements ... As obligate carnivores, Minskin cats need protein-rich diets. If you can, choose cat food brands recommended by your ...
The standard Minskin has short legs. The Teddy Rex Minskin has long legs. Minskin coats can be hairless, fur-pointed, or rex coated. Why should I adopt from ...