They are accepted in both long and short coat lengths. The Munchkin and the Munchkin Longhair are distinguished only by the appearance of the coat, the shorthair having a medium length plush, resilient all-weather coat and the longhair a semi-long silky all-weather coat. ALLOWANCES: Stud jowls in males.
May 1, 2007
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MUNCHKIN (Longhair [MUL]) (Shorthair [MUS]) (Standard Source CCCA 2019). General. The Munchkin is a medium sized cat, well-muscled, with strong distinctive ...
Munchkin Longhair - MNL ; Neck. Firm musculature on males, slightly less on females. 2 ; Legs and paws. Short, set evenly apart when viewed from front or back.
Dec 8, 2021The coat is medium short, glossy, resilient and not close lying, an all-weather-coat with moderate undercoat.
For each kitten conceived from this mating, there is a 0% chance it will be homozygous for the Munchkin gene, a 50% chance it will be normal non-standard (long ...
Jun 27, 2023If not, each kitten conceived will have a 50% chance of being a dwarf and a 50% chance of having limbs of normal length.
Missing: Longhair | Show results with:Longhair
Nov 24, 2020For each kitten conceived from this mating, there is a 25% chance it will fail to gestate, a 25% chance it will be normal non-standard (long- ...
Jun 30, 2020We identified a structural UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase (UGDH) variant perfectly segregating with the standard Munchkin cat phenotype.