General Type Standard The overall impression given by a Ragdoll is that of a large, powerful, imposing cat, distinctively marked and striking in appearance. Allowance should be made for females who may be smaller. The cat should be relaxed in temperament, gentle and easy to handle.
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Apr 28, 2020 ¡¤ They are a well-balanced cat of moderate type, with no extremes, and no one feature overpowering another.
Ragdolls are slow-maturing, reaching full coat color at two years, and full size and weight at four. While it is not unusual for a mature male's weight to reach ...
The Ragdoll is a semi-long haired, blue eyed pointed cat with a sweet personality. The Ragdoll grows large and heavy, but is slow to mature.
Ragdoll is a big and imposing cat. The weight of an adult male is about 8.9 kilos, while females about 4.5 kilos. It 'a large sized cat, high on the paws, long ...
Fully developed males weigh from 15-20 pounds with the proportionately smaller females weigh from 10-15 pounds. These gentle cats have long, substantial bodies ...
Ragdolls are often known as 'dog-like cats', because of their nature and affectionate behaviour, often following owners from room to room as well as seeking ...
May 19, 2022 ¡¤ The coat is of medium length, silky soft in texture and with minimal undercoat. The coat is longest at the neck. Breeches are desirable. Colour ...
A young female correct in the standard. Correct body proportions and size with the right ¡°hang¡± in the body. Medium sized ears, broad head, nice profile, ...