A Comparative Study on the Fouling Characteristics of River and Tap Water in a Heat Exchanging Model. S K Sung; S H Suh; H W Roh. 2012 : An Experimental Study ...
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How does fouling affect the performance of a heat exchanger?
What is the fouling factor of a heat exchanger?
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How does fouling affect heat transfer and pressure drop?
KJACR - Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration ...
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2. Sung S. K., Suh S. H., Roh H. W., 2003, A Comparative Study on the Fouling Characteristics of River and Tap Water in a Heat Exchanging Model, The Korean ...
Oct 3, 2019 ¡¤ Sung, S. H. Suh and H. W. Roh, A comparative study on the fouling characteristics of river and tap water in a heat exchanging model, Proceedings ...
... Water ... A Comparative Study on the Fouling Characteristics of River and Tap Water in a Heat Exchanging Model. S K Sung; S H Suh; H W Roh; S K Sung; S H Suh; H W ...
S. K. Sung, S. H. Suh and H. W. Roh, A comparative study on the fouling characteristics of river and tap water in a heat exchanging model, Proceedings of Autumn ...
Roh, 2003 : A Comparative Study on the Fouling Characteristics of River and Tap Water in a Heat Exchanging Model, Trans. of the KSME (B), pp. 49-54. Sun ...
... tap water as the working medium. Subsequently, spiral-grooved and smooth ... In this study, a comparative investigation of the steady-state performance ...
heater and evaporator auxiliary water loops, in which tap water with pH 7 was used. ... Comparative investigations of corrosion inhibitors for copper. In ...
such DH network, the domestic tap hot water is taken in the residences ... comparative analysis of the structure of fouling model expressed by Eq. (20) ...
crystallization fouling of tap water. Some researchers have proposed that ... The comparative results of the model shows less deviation which is almost ...