Apr 23, 2020 , In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the major IAP sources and IAQ-control strategies; we emphasize the sources, characteristics, and health ...
Mar 22, 2021 , This review of scientific studies presents a broad spectrum of pollutants identified in both residential and commercial indoor environments.
Jan 29, 2020 , In this paper, the authors described the relationship between IAP exposure and associated risks. The main idea is to discuss the use of wireless technologies.
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Feb 8, 2023 , Indoor air pollution killed more than 3 million people in 2020, almost as many as did its outdoor counterpart. And yet it has been mostly invisible to science, ...
Oct 15, 2020 , The present study provides evidence that exposure to IAPs in schools is associated with various health problems in children.
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In this study, a scoping review of the literature on indoor air pollution exposures across different socio-economic groups is performed, examining evidence from ...
This review of scientific studies presents a broad spectrum of pollutants identified in both residential and commercial indoor environments.
Jul 8, 2024 , Most pollutants affecting indoor air quality come from sources inside buildings, although some originate outdoors.
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Several research papers are found and valuable insights are gathered in a paper. This paper is used to make indoor air pollution policies and raise awareness.
Apr 22, 2020 , We provide a critical review and evaluation of the major sources of major pollutant emissions, their health effects, and issues related to IAP-based illnesses.
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