Reformulated gasoline (RFG) is gasoline blended to burn cleaner and reduce smog-forming and toxic pollutants in the air we breathe.
People also ask
What are reformulated gasolines?
Reformulated gasoline (RFG) is gasoline blended to burn more cleanly than conventional gasoline. Using this fuel reduces emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOX), which are all pollutants that form ozone. RFG also reduces the emissions of some toxic pollutants.
What is the difference between oxygenated gasoline and reformulated gasoline?
Oxygenated fuel is conventional gasoline that has been blended with an oxygenate to achieve a certain concentration of oxygen in the fuel by weight. RFG is a formulation of gasoline that has lower amounts of certain chemical compounds that contribute to the formation of ozone and air toxins.
What is the difference between CBOB and RBOB gasoline?
Conventional Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (CBOB) is a blendstock that's combined with ethanol to get E10 gasoline. Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (RBOB) becomes reformulated gasoline (or RFG) after blending with ethanol.
What is reformulated gas in Louisville Kentucky?
Louisville is required to sell reformulated gasoline (RFG). Recent data shows RFG in the midwest costs an average of 55 cents per gallon more than conventional gas. LOUISVILLE, Ky.
Reformulated gasoline (RFG) is gasoline blended to burn more cleanly than conventional gasoline. Using this fuel reduces emissions of volatile organic compounds ...
Reformulated gasoline (RFG) is gasoline blended to burn more cleanly than conventional gasoline and to reduce smog-forming and toxic pollutants in the air ...
Jan 9, 1998 กค Phase I and Phase II RFG Requirements. For a gasoline to be certified as reformulated, it must contain at least 2.0 weight percent oxygen, no ...
Oct 12, 2023 กค The Denver area is subject to the Federal requirement to sell gasoline with a maximum RVP of 7.8 psi per gallon during the summer season (June 1 ...
CaRFG1 modified the requirements for Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) content, required additives in gasoline, and decreased allowable lead content. For more ...
Reformulated gasoline. (RFG) made with 10% ethanol (E10) lowers evaporative emissions and reduces NOx and other exhaust pollutants. However, despite.
Finished conventional motor gasoline blended with a maximum of 55 volume percent denatured fuel ethanol.
Conventional Gasoline vs RFG. • A gallon of RFG contains about 1-3% less energy than a gallon of conventional gasoline. This difference is considerably ...
Due to more stringent fuel specifications reformulated gasoline must maintain high octane rating with reduced benzene and aromatic content.