Mar 22, 2021 , This review of scientific studies presents a broad spectrum of pollutants identified in both residential and commercial indoor environments.
Apr 23, 2020 , In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the major IAP sources and IAQ-control strategies; we emphasize the sources, characteristics, and health ...
The present paper aims to appraise limit values for selected indoor pollutants reported in the scientific literature, and to present how they are handled.
Jan 29, 2020 , In this paper, the authors described the relationship between IAP exposure and associated risks. The main idea is to discuss the use of wireless technologies.
The emergence of low-cost sensors can help assess indoor air quality. This study provides a new methodology, utilizing low-cost sensors and source apportionment ...
Jul 8, 2024 , ^Indoor air quality ̄ refers to the quality of the air in a home, school, office, or other building environment.
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This paper, which discusses the last 20 years of indoor air research, aimed to review the IAQ sector from different aspects to understand the interaction ...
The purpose of the present work was to study experimentally the indoor air quality status regarding PM10, PM2.5, TVOCs, CO2, NOx, SO2 and O-3 in selected ...
Feb 8, 2023 , Indoor air pollution killed more than 3 million people in 2020, almost as many as did its outdoor counterpart. And yet it has been mostly invisible to science, ...
CARB has an active research program to investigate factors that affect indoor air quality, such as ventilation, source reduction and filtration.