The Guiding Principles, described in Section II of this Guidance, are sustainable design and operational principles that agencies can implement in both new and ...
Nov 22, 2023The Guiding Principles address the following six sustainable principles for new construction and modernization, as well as existing buildings:.
A set of sustainable principles for integrated design, energy performance, water conservation, indoor environmental quality, materials, and resilience.
Support and services to help agencies comply with the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings.
13693 reconfirmed that green building work is an important part of Federal efforts to protect the environment, support communities, and address climate change.
Guidance for federal agencies , 1. Employ integrated design , 2. Optimize energy performance , 3. Protect and conserve water , 4. Enhance indoor environmental ...
Nov 22, 2023Employ integrated design principles , Optimize energy performance , Protect and conserve water , Enhance the indoor environment , Reduce the ...
The Guiding Principles, described in Section II of this Guidance, are sustainable design and operational principles that agencies can implement in both new and ...
The Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings was updated by the Council on Environmental Quality on February 26, 2016, and is required by Executive ...
Dec 1, 2008This guidance accomplishes the following: (1) Updates the Guiding Principles for Sustainable New Construction and Major Renovations, (2) ...