Real-Time Settlement Point Prices Display. SPP values include the 15 Minute Online Reserve Price Adders and the Real-Time Online Reliability Deployment Price ...
View the Settlement Point Prices for the Load Zones and Trading Hubs from the real-time market for the current day as well as the previous five days. RTD ...
ERCOT provides both Day-Ahead Market (DAM) prices on a daily basis and Real-Time Market (RTM) prices on an interval basis.
Date, Price, Zone. 10/7/2024 8:00:00 AM, 18.422500, LZ_AEN. 10/7/2024 8:00:00 AM, 18.092500, LZ_CPS. 10/7/2024 8:00:00 AM, 18.730000, LZ_HOUSTON.
Real-Time Locational Prices: Real-Time Market - SCED Pricing, Help? Last Updated: Oct 09, 2024 01:20. Select Data. RTM-LMP, RTM-SPP, DAM-SPP. View As.
System-Wide Prices is a graphical representation of Real-Time and Day-Ahead price averages in the ERCOT system.
Description. A monthly cash settled Exchange Futures Contract based upon the mathematical average of daily prices calculated by averaging the peak hourly ...
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Use these reports to uncover daily, weekly and monthly energy pricing trends and turns in the market so you can make smart energy decisions. HISTORICAL PRICING ...
These dashboards offer a snapshot of current conditions in the ERCOT system. The timestamp on each indicates when the information was last updated.
ERCOT 15-Minute Real-Time Locational Marginal Prices ($/megawatt) for Hubs, 2020 ... ERCOT Hourly Actual Load (megawatt) by Weather Zone, 2020, Annual: CSV.